10. what to do?

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Becas POV

After our lunch, there was a look on Demitris face that showed he was up to something. He was speaking to Asher while I leaned on his bike fiddling with my hair.

Once they were done Asher gave me a cruel look as he drove away.

Demitris smile was wide as he approached me. "You and I are going to have a little fun til you need to be home."

My eyes follow his fingers as they connect with my palm. He looked down at me then climbed on his bike, I followed him.

We drove down the street, I was just watching the buildings go by. Demitri was taking me somewhere and I knew it wasn't his house when we got on the highway.

He just drove with a grin as I clung to his jacket.

We pulled off on one of the exits and drove for about another 5 mins until he pulled into a carnival entry way.

He pays our way in even though I argue with him not to pay for me.

We park and walk up to a booth, he hands me tickets and winks at me. I take them still unsure why we are here.

"Don't worry we will be back before your big brother gets mad." He said walking to a dart booth.

I admit I don't much care for carnivals but I think i will live.

We go from booth to booth. Demitri plays almost all of them and I just watch.

Demitri tried to light one of his cigarettes but I grab it from his mouth and hand him a toothpick.

"Chew on this."


"Because it's better and you look cooler." I lie.

He cocks his head and smiled. He takes the toothpick and places it between his lips. "Are you happy?"

I smile a little and nod as I lean on a table.

"Oh come on now, why aren't you having any fun?" He asked putting his arm around me.

"Carnivals aren't my thing."i say with a sigh.

Demitri scratched his head. "Oh, I thought everyone loved these things."

"Well then, I don't like them much anyway either, lets get out of here." He breathed in my ear which made my insides flip.

As we walked back to the entrance,Demitri hand his arm around me while we passed a group of people. I kept my eyes on the girls that intensely stared at Demitri.

I understand why they would, a good looking boy, who looks wonderful in leather. Why not stare to get his attention.

Oddly enough he didn't take a second glance at them.

"Wait here, I'm going to get my bike." Demitri said on the side walk. He ran into the parking lot.

As I waited I hear someone shout my name. I turn to see Sophie and Miguel walking up to me. I haven't see them in months.

"Oh my god, is that really you?" Sophie asked with a hug.

I was confused they shouldn't be here. "Aren't you two supposed to be 3 states away?"

"Yeah..but we wanted to come to this carnival before it leaves again." Miguel said.

He has gotten a little taller and has changed his style completely. His hair is no longer long and straight but cut with volume. He was wearing some sort of patterned shirt with grey jeans, and he lost his big frame glasses.

"So why are you here? I thought you hate carnivals." Sophie asked pulling my eyes from Miguel. Of course she hasn't changed.

"Oh, I'm here with a friend he wanted to bring me." And right as I said it, like in a movie, we hear the loud roar of the motorcycles engine as he pulls up.

"Oh my my... who is that?" She said with her voice full of lust.

Demitri fixes his leather jacket and brushes back his hair with his hand before walking up to us. Sophies face turns red as she trys to fix her hair.

"Hi, I'm Demitri." He says holding out a hand for Sophie. She takes it while just staring at him.

"So Beca I assume these are your friends from you're old school?" Demitri asked politely.

I look at him, I can't believe that he is being nice.

"Wait you know him?" Miguel asks I guess threatened by Demitri.

I watch Sophie bat her eyes at Demitri trying to get his attention but he was focused on me.

"Yeah.."I say.

"Ah well I think we should let you guys go, text me okay?" Miguel said pushing Sophie away.


By the time Demitri got me home it was about 8.

"Thank you for not being a ass to them." I say walking upin my steps.

"Well you're welcome, but I better get something out of it." Demitri winked as he followed me.

"We'll see." I tease.

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