1.First day

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It was early in the morning as I walked down the side walk. This would be my first day in this school and since my brother took my car I have to walk a long away.

I know you're thinking that 'why did your brother take "your" car?'. Well he stole it to get to work and show off.

I find my self already standing in front of the unfamiliar school with teenagers pouring into it.

My mind was already discovering how many ways this day could go wrong but I had to shrug it off as I walked up the stairs. I made my way through the halls avoiding people along the way, but before I reached my locker I bumped into someone by mistake.

He was very tall with raven black hair and a pair of piercing blue eyes that had a green tint. He wore a leather jacket with a white shirt under it, a plain pair of jeans, and what looked like heavy combat boots.His skin was pale but went with his eyes in a way that intrigued me. First word that popped up in my head was Greaser, I don't know why.

Of course he wasn't alone.

"I'm sorry." I say trying to make my way around him and his group. I was stopped by one of the other boys standing there.

"Damn right your sorry." he says throwing my books in my arms to the ground.(classic)

The posse leaves me as I bend down to collect my papers and books on the floor.

As I pick my stuff up someone hands me a few papers that I left on the floor. I take my papers from the boy and thank him.

"those guys are just jerks." he says fixing his books. "I'm Nick. You must be new."

I smile "is it that obvious?"

"yeah, sort of." Nick said. His hair was a silky black but was mostly covered by a gray bennie, his shirt was red and he was wearing a thin gray jacket with black jeans and red sneakers. Nicks eyes were brown from what I could see under his hair.

"Just great," I sighed. He smiled a sweet smile, "come on I'll walk you to your class."

When we arrived at my class I turned to thank Nick again.

"no problem."he said."oh, what's your name?"


Nick nods and walks away. I enter the room and realize that I am late.

The teacher looks at me,"yes? can I help you?"

"I..uh..I'm new."I finally get out. The teacher smiled and asked for my schedule to see if I was in the right class.

"I'm Ms.Nixa. I am very glad to have you in my class." she says.

Ms.Nixa and I stand in the front of the class. Everyone's eyes are glued to the teacher and me,"Class this is Beca, I expect you will make her feel welcome."

I look around the room and my luck today just got worse. I spot the greaser boy sitting in the back with his feet propped up on the desk.

"Beca, you can pick on of the open seats in the back." Ms.Nixa said writing something down. "and Demitri, get your feet off the desk."

As I make my way to the back, some of the girls gave me cruel looks that I wish I could slap of their smug faces.

I sit in one of the chairs farthest from the greaser boy (Demitri I think) and I try not to look at him, knowing he is watching me.


My classes went by fast and before I knew it, it was lunch time.As I made my way through the cafeteria, Nick waved me down and I sat at the table with him.

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