7. The trip

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When we got to my house Sam and Lynx were already putting things in the car.

The drive was long and full of laughter. Lynx was in the front with Sam and I was in back with Nick.

We made one or two stops, when we arrived at the camp sight there were two other cars parked near the tents. Sam a Lynx flew out of the car and rushed to the people sitting in a circle.

Nick and I grabbed our things, then met with the boys.

I saw Cole and his girlfriend, Robin and Toby. They greeted me with a smile. I could tell that Nick was nervous with these people so I ushered him to a clearing on the side of a tent.

Lynx brought over the heavy stuff for us and layed it down. Nick started messing with the tent and we put it up.

Robin started a fire and cole wanted to go to the lake so we made a small hike to it. Robin and Toby didn't want to so we left them at the camp.

As we reached the water Sam, Lynx, and Cole ripped off their shirt and landed in the water. Cole hopped out a carried Carrie (his girlfriend) in to the water.

Nick undressed into our suits as well and Lynx ran out of the water and kidnapped me. I yelled playfully, hitting him to put me down. But he threw me into the water almost tackling me. Nick stood on the bank unsure what to do.

I grab his arm and pull him into the water with us.

Sam picked Nick on his shoulders, Cole put Carrie on his and Lynx put me in his. The three of us began fighting until Carrie fell and Nick and I were left.

Me and my competitive side knew we were going to win.

Nick and Sam laughed a evil laugh as we crashed into each other.


Demitri POV

I am very bored. My friends idea of fun is getting dull. I think of a distraction, Beca.

I quickly ditch my friends and ride to her house. The car is no where to be seen, as I walk up to the door.

"They are gone dearie," the elderly woman said from her porch. I look back her.

"Do you know where they went? Or when they will be back?" I asked straightening my jacket.

"They went on a trip with that one older boy and the punk boy." She said "I think they went to Lake Rosa. They might be back Sunday."

I nod and walk back to my bike. I light a cigarette, sit and think of I should do now.

I remember that I stole her number if it ever comes to this when she was out.

I reach for my phone and text her. I deside to go back to the hang out just to waste time til she tells me where I can meet her.


Becas POV

After the clear fight that Lynx and I won, we all get out and dry off by the bank watching the moon rise.

My phone buzzes and a unfamiliar number pops up.

"Where are you?"

I look at it and text back asking who it was. I get a quick reply.

"The handsome guy that saved your ass. ;)"

I roll my eyes and tell him to leave me alone.

"Oh don't be like that sweetheart. I'm just bored and want someone to talk too."

"How did you get my number?"

"Ha, I'm not telling you."

I put my phone done and ignore the next three texts.

Nick looked at me "who was that?"

I look up "oh, wrong number."

I know I shouldn't lie but he doesn't need to know now.

Once we dry off we walk back to the camp and I put my phone on silent. Robin is already making some food, and Sam pulls out the other chairs from the car.

Lynx walks by Nick rubbing his hair, "good try little buddy, there just isn't a way to beat my and Becas team."

Nick laughed. I'm glad he feels welcome in my small and werid family.

While we eat I decided to look at my phone and see five unread messages. Two of them are pictures.

I open them and read: "come on please just talk to me"

"where are you? My friends suck your much more fun. In a way."

"Beca, please."

One of the pictures were of him and some guy makeing gang signs. The other one was of him drinking with his wonderfull shining eyes staring at the camera,with "wish you were here, I might make some stupid choices."

I text back between bites. "Just stop"

I didn't have anything else to say, I caught Lynx watching me.

I put my phone away and not look at him. We gather around the fire roasting marshmallows and chatting.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Nick asked leaning close to me.

"Good I think." I say. He nods. "Is that why you're texting him?"

I shot my eyes to him quickly. He smiled. "Yeah I'm not that stupid."

"Okay, for the tents. Since we only have 4, Cole and Carrie can share, Robin and Toby, Lynx and Nick, and Beca and I will share." Sam says pointing to the tents.

"Aww, man why can't I share with Beca?" Lynx whined playfully, making a pouty face.

Sam looked at him. And Lynx put up his arms with defeat.

It was dark and almost everyone turned in but me and I think Lynx. I sat in the field and watched the stars, as the lighting bug danced around me.

"What are you doing?" Lynx asked sitting next to me sprawling out.

"Just watching the-" I try to say.

"No, I mean with that boy." He says. "You know I Love you like my little sister and thats whay I don't want to see you hurt."

I look over at him. "Its nothing, he just wants to talk to me."

"Ha thats just how it starts, trust me I know."

My travel to the stars again wanting to avoid this conversation.

"You know, it's up to you. And when he hurts you I will be here for you if ypu need me." He yawned leaving me.

My phone buzzes and I look at it. "Come on might as well tell me now, I'm going to find you anyways. I just do."

I take a picture of sky I am watching and send it to him leaving the conversation with that.

I walk back to the camp and climb into the tent and Sam is already asleep. I get in my sleeping bag and turn my phone off, going asleep.


Demitri POV

She sends me a picture of the sky and it's lovely. I sit in the loud noise of the crowd and just stare at it wishing to be there with her.

What?! This might be the alcohol taking. But I like it.

I fix my hair and lay back in the chair as asher walks up to me with a drunken grin on his face.

"-ey man, you don't mind if I borrow Mckayla do you?"

I shake my head no, knowing that she would of done it with trying to hind it from me. She really is a slut, what did I see in her?

I relax as Asher take Mckayla and try to enjoy the rest of the night.

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