9. Sunday

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Demitri POV

This morning I wanted to do something for her, i never do anything nice with my friends so this is a nice change.

I pull out ingredients and start to make breakfast. I admit I have no idea what I'm doing.

I hear Beca behind me "what are you doing?"she asked in a sleepy tone.

As I turn to her I catch myself staring at her morning beauty. Her long hair was put up in a very messy bun, she had on a over sized red shirt with black shorts under it.

"I'm... uh..i think I'm making breakfast." I say placing the food down.

She looks at me and is obviously to tried to make a smart remark so she just says "how are so awake?"

I run my hand through my hair smiling as she watches me."I really don't know."

As we attempt to eat what I made we hear the door bell ring.

Becas POV

I look at the door confused, Sam and Lynx have a key, plus they aren't supposed to be back til late tonight.

Demitri gets to the door before I do and opens it. Asher is standing there unsure why Demitri is here.

"Cute little thing you have here, maybe I'll get one of my own." hes says

I watch him, Asher looked at me like he was...jealous. Of me?!

"Get off my property or I'll call the police." I say harshly.

"Oh, well someone is standing up for herself isn't she. Is it only because hes here?"

I feel small again as asher looks down at me. Demitri steps in front of Asher blocking his way into the house.

I just leave it to the boys to work something out.

After a short while I hear the door close and Demitri walks in followed by Asher. I stand up in question to why Asher is in my house.

"Its okay sugar, I don't bite. Well not yet."Asher winked at me but his eyes quickly went back to Demitri for some reaction.

I knew it, Asher likes Demitri!

My mind explodes with suprise, I guess that explains why he did what he did.

"Beca, I think you should change." Demitri says sitting next to me.


"Well, I want to show you around my world. The one I'm in. So go get changed, we'll be out a while."

I glance at Asher who is standing with his arms crossed.

I rush up stairs and change into a dark grey sweatshirt, with jeans and black shoes.

Before we all leave I left a note for Sam just in case.

I climbed on the back of Demitri's bike, i think im feeling a bit more brave getting on and going places.

I have my car keys and my phone in my pocket as we left.

Asher followed as we pulled into a small parking lot.

I can feel the butterflies in my stomach now as we walk in the building. Now that my mind has put the pieces together about Asher I see more of the looks ge gives me.

As we enter and sit at a booth, Asher tried to sit with Demitri but instead Demitri sat next to me with his arms behind the booth. The restaurant was full of people that can here for lunch and then there was us. Two greasers and a new girl that never really fit in anywhere

Demitri ordered over for me because I didn't know the menu or what was good.

When the waiter brought out the food, Demitri slid his drink over to me. "Go on take a sip."

Demitri POV

When I slid my drink to her, she glared at me as she en placed her lips around the straw. After she took a sip, she made a cute face of slight disgust and pushed the glass back to me. I laughed as she drank from her drink to wash the alcohol out, then dug into her food.

Asher just sat quietly watching Besca.

Her phone buzzed and I caught a glimpse of the message from her brother.

"Going to be home at 10, behave til then."

I smile thinking of all the ways I can make her mine before 10. Just one problem, Asher. Yeah I knew he liked me and still does but we are just friends.

As we eat I place my hand on Becas waist, testing the waters on how far I can go. I know what happened to her, with her father, her brother told me and I still care for her.

She doesn't move my hand ot anything so I guess I'm safe.

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