11. who cares?

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Demitri POV

I roll over and read my clock. 1:15am. I groan as I sit up unable to sleep.

I need to sleep, its a school night,  and I can't look awful during school with Beca there.

The only light is from the moon peering through my blinds and all is silent but my own breathing. Nights like these I wish my parents weren't always gone. Like when I was a kid, the times I would scare myself and run into my parents room, where the shadows were less scarier.

All I know is that I don't want to be alone tonight. I put on my shoes and my jacket, then walk out into the night.

The chill wind hit my face as I walked to my bike. I know what I'm about to do is stupid but oh well.

I drive on to Becas street and turn off my bike as I coast up to her house.

It was dark of coarse and I'm sure she is already sleep. I walk to the side of the house and climb a nearby tree next to her window.

I peer into her window and see the moonlight hitting her skin while she had her back to me in bed.

I tap gently and see her move slightly,  then I knock and she half way fell out of her bed. She looks at my with confusion and fear clear on her face.

She walks up to the window slowly and hesitantly opens the window.

I climb in and sigh with the relief of the warmth of the house.

Beca yawns and scowls at me


"What?" I ask looking around.

"What the hell are you doing? I was sleeping." She said.

I smirked, "you didn't have to let me in."

She holds up a finger to say something but stays quite.

"Whatever, you can look around and sleep on the floor for all I care. Just don't wake up Sam or Lynx." Beca said as she back under her sheets.

I continue to look around at her small room, she has only three boxes that aren't unpacked yet. I slip of my jacket and look at Beca while she slept.

Stop it that's creepy.

I feel myself grow a little tired and decide to do something.

I quietly lye on the other side of her bed, gently moving closer to her. She takes a deep breath and sighs alittle making me smile.

I move my body as close as I can to hers and wrap on of my arms around her waist. My heart is pounding now.

Beca moves slightly and I close my eyes enjoying her in my arms for now.


Beep, beep, beep.

Becas alarm goes off, god I hate alarm clocks, all I wanted to do was throw it against the wall.

Becas POV

My alarm goes off and I get up. A leather jacket catches my eye and I remember that Demitri is still here. I really thought it was a dream, I turn and see him sprawled on my bed.

I change in my bathroom quickly and walk out to see Demitri putting on his jacket. His hair was a mess but still suited him.

"Damn, I need a smoke."he said holding his hands to his head as he stood in the middle of my room.

"Well, you need to leave." I say brushing out my hair.

He smiled and walked to the window. He had one leg out the window as he looked back at me.

"Do you really want me to go?"

"Yes.."I say standing next to the window.


School was a pain amd that's all I want to say about that.

While Nick and I were walking back to his house Sam pulled up next to us and pulled me and Nick into the car.

Sams face was a deadly pale and he looked nervous about something.

"Whats wrong?" I ask

He looks back at me through the rear view mirror.

"We are going to get you a dress for the wedding." Sam swallowed. "We are going to meet Lynx after we drop off Nick and get some thing's from the house."

My heart leaped into my throat and I felt sick. Nick looked at me "no, you in a dress?"

After we dropped  Nick off with a promise to text him when we are with Lynx,  Sam ran into the house and came back quickly with his wallet.

"It fine you know, me wearing a dress to  the wedding." I say. Sam knew I hated dresses since mom died but she would want me to wear one.

"Really?" I hear the deep relief in his voice.

"Ha, yes. It will just be this an one time. Plus its our friends wedding." I say trying to make me feel better.

"Oh good. And Beca who cares if you're in a dress, I'm going in a tuxedo." Sam side slightly different.

We both haven't worn any thing fancy of the type sine moms funeral so this is a big deal to us.

I feel my phone buzz and I expect it to be Demitri but its Miguel.

"Can't wait til the wedding hope to see you there."

I smile thinking that my other friends will be going to this wedding.

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