5. What the hell?

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I woke up slowly with my body aching everywhere. The right side of my head pounded with pain. I stumble into a bathroom and look in the mirror. A beaten up girl with a black eye, a large gash on her lip, and very messy hair stares back at me.

I sit on the toilet lid and put my head in my hands. Where am I? I thought. I don't remember anything but being attacked by a group of people.

As I walk out I completely ignore the house and go straight for my things.

Demitri walks into the room with a towel drying his wet hair. "good you're awake.  How do you feel?"

"I feel like I was beaten up by a gang."I say watching his eyes travel me. "where am I?"

"you're at my house. You sort of passed out and I didn't think of moving you." he said. Then he looked down some what embarrassed. "I..um..looked through your scetch book, and you are really good."

I blush uncontrollably, looking down at the floor.

Demitri threw his towel on a chair and found himself a cigarette then lit it. He breathed it in and out."so why me? there were other people standing there."

I feel this slight fear creep on me. I didn't know how to answer so I just shrugged.

He walked up to me and held my face in his hands looking at me while his cigarette hanged in his mouth. The smell was over whelming but I didn't mind.

"your cut is healing good." he said.

Demitri POV

"your cut is healing good." I say staring at her lips. She smiles. I feel one of my fingers start to trace her jaw line.


I stop myself and breathe the smoke from my nose into her face makeing her cough. I let her go and walk into the kitchen to get myself straight.

As I dug around in the fridge Beca enters and looks around.

"are your parents home?"

I half laugh "no, they rarely are. I'm sure you need to stay here til schools out right? so your mommy and daddy don't get all mad at you."I say harshly. I need to get her far from my mind but at the same time I somehow need her.

Becas face dropped with suprise then her eyes filled with tears. I didn't take her as the crying type, but obviously something I said got to her. Truth is I did feel bad but I had a reputation to keep. 

She just wipped her eyes and nodded, then walked back into the living room. I lean on the counter and take a drink of my dad's beer. As I watch the floor I hear the front door slam shut quickly. My eyes rush to the chair where her things are and there are gone. I drop everything and run out my door, scanning the street I see her small figure running.

Before I knew it I was running down after her. I don't know why either but I just felt right. I gaining ground on her fairly quickly, I had long legs and im a runner.

I follow her to the park were she just gives up and sits on the bench. As I joined her I noticed that her cheeks were wet.

Beca hugs her legs tightly. I scoot closer to her not knowing what to do,  I don't even know what I said to upset her like this.

"hey, you get away from her." a older boy said looking at me coldly. He had a friend with him that scooped Beca into his arms.

I feel this rage and confusion boil inside of me watching the other boy hold Beca.

Becas POV

My brother and Lynx showed up when Demitri sat next to me. I texted Sam while he was at work then Lynx asking either of them to come get me after I ran to the park, I didn't expect Demitri to follow.

Lynx pulled me into his arms and tries to comfort me while Sam talks to Demitri. I wipe my eyes and Lynx escorts me to the car. As we walked away I hear Sam yell at the slick boy.

"you need to stay the fuck away from her. Beca doesn't need you making her life worse. if I ever find out that you hurt her again, I will personally beat the living shit out of your pathetic life."Sam made me a little mad at him, thinking that he rules who needs to be around me but I am grateful that he protects me.

As we arrive home I spot Nick waiting outside of the house. When I got out he embraced me and asked if I was okay. Sam hugged me tightly after Nick moved from me.

Sam looked at my face and his eyes narrowed. "did he hurt you?" he said looking at my eye and lip.

"no, I think he helped me."

He nodded and then we walked into the house. I find out that Lynx is still here because he was kicked out of his apartment. Lynx called Nick and told him that they were getting me, I must have left his number one the counter.

"when you feel better we will talk." Sam said handing me a glass of water and some pills.

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