4.The Hidden Stories

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Wednesday morning I woke up earlier for school. My brother was still asleep thankfully, I got into my car and went to get some coffee.

I drove around to kill sometime but i pulled into school 20mins early. I got out and sat on the curb drinking my drink. I pull out my scetch pad and began to finish one of the drawings.

The sound of loud engines grabbed my attation as I watched the parade of greaser like boys pull in.

I saw Demitri lean on his bike while he spoke to his friends. He just looked perfect, I turn to a clean page and began to draw him. I watch him trying to get a mental image in my head if he moved. Every line I drew of him was just perfect.

Am I really falling for this guy?

"Wow! who knew you had a hidden talent." I hear a familar voice say behind me. I close my drawing book and look at Nick.

" Uh.. yeah. I've always drawn things" I say hoping he didn't see who i was drawing.

"Cool. So who were you drawing?" (shit)

"Oh, no one" I say feeling my face flush.

Then we walked into the school. During the day I did my best to avoid Demitri, Nick and I made plans to work on our homework at my house after school.

After school I rushed out to my car to wait for Nick because he likes to take his sweet time leaving.  As I waited I decided to finish my drawing from this morning.

When I was finishing up Nick came strolling up to me with a huge grin. I close my book.

"you have a car? this is awesome,  and some what not right." Nick said standing next to the car.

"come on, just get in." I say climbing in the drivers seat.  Nick hopped in the passenger side and we drove off.

"so do you plans this weekend?" I ask breaking the silence.

"umm.. no nothing. Do you?"

"Well,  I'm going camping with my brother and his friends, would you like to come? He said I could bring a friend."

His eyes light up and he says yes.


When we get to my house, I open the door and I am greeted by one of my brothers closest friends Lynx, he's technically family.

Lynx picks me off the ground and gives me a huge tight hug. I hug him back happy to see him. He puts me down and looks at Nick.

"who is this guy?" he asked smiling.

"this is my friend Nick." I say. "Nick this is Lynx."

Nick shakes his hand, a little uncomfortable with whats happening.

I see Sam walk up behind Lynx and pull him away from us.

"quit bothering them. They have to do their homework."

Lynx frowns and walked away to sit in his chair. I drag Nick up the stairs to my room and shut the door to drown out the yells of the boys downstairs.

"I am very sorry.  I didn't think he would be hear." I say sitting on my bed and taking out my history homework.

"its fine." Nick said as he sat down on the end of my bed.

We got to work but it didn't last long because Nick started a paper ball fight. When we finally ran out of paper Nick looked at me "Man I wish my parents would let me do this." he said looking at my now messy room.

I sit quietly. "I don't have my parents anymore, its just been me and Sam for years."

Nick sat with wide eyes "oh, I'm sorry I didn't know." he looked down sad. "if you don't mind me asking,  what happened?"

I knew that he needed to know and he would find out sometime,  so I told him. "My mother died and my father is in jail because he killed my mom. One day he came home completely high and drunk, he took his anger out on my mom and ending up murdering her. I was the only other one in the house when my dad came looking for me."

"He came into my room and I thought he was going to kill me, so I asked him to make it quick but he said he had other plans,"

My eyes burned with tears and I couldn't hold them in, Nick held me in his arms trying to comfort me.

"He.. my brother came home with the police knowing that something was wrong because I didn't call him. He was working late. My brother pulled my father off me and the police arrested my dad, but it was to late. My father raped me."

I just bursted out crying into Nick. I sobbed for a few minutes just getting it out.

After my past story we tried to get back on top of our homework but we couldn't not with what just happened,  so we had downstairs to get some food.

Lynx and Sam are yelling at the TV with a boxing match going on. We look in the microwave and pull out some pizza and heat it up.

"Nick, I understand if you never want to speak to me again." I say sitting on the counter.

He looked at suprised. "why would I do that?"

"well normally people would want nothing to do with someone who had a tragic back story.  They just can't deal with it." I say.

"Ha, I'm not a dick. I'm not going to ditch you because of your past."Nick says half laughing.

I smile happy that he would be here for me.

After we eat Sam takes Nick home and I crawl into my bed hoping tomorrow will be better.

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