6. Hero?

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I swallow the pills and lay back on the couch, Lynx and Nick sit on either side of me.

"are you going to tell myself what happened?" Sam said sitting in front of us. Sam had on his sweats and his hair was messy from grabbing his head with frustration many times.

I stare at my brother deciding carefully what words to use. Lynx had me in his arms again just keeping me close, he was always family.

"Well...from what I can remember was that, I was walking to school then I bumped into people, then they beat me up. Which is why my face looks like this." I look down concentrating. " I think Demitri saved me, but I blacked out. So then I woke up in his house, called you and ran to the park."

Sam narrowed his eyes " you left something big out. Why were you crying?" His voice was cold but gentle.

"I just got sensitive, that's all."

"Why? what did he say?" Lynx asked kindly hoping for a answer.

I lower my eyes and breathe. "he said something about our parents, and.. I guess I just couldn't contain myself." My voice is quite and slow.

Sam leans forward as Lynx squeezed my shoulder as in ' everything is alright'.

"we will get over this when we go camping this weekend and we will be happy again." Sam said calmly and gestured to Nick to follow him to take him home.

When they left I pried myself from Lynx and went to take a shower. As I undressed I looked in the mirror and saw that my body had all sorts of bruises. Big and small, black, yellow and purple covered my body.  I step into the shower letting the water wash away the day.


It was Friday, I really didn't want to go to school with my body still bruised and shit. Lynx drove me to school because he needed the car to get some thing's with Sam.

I walked into the school and covered my eye with my hair the best I could, there was just no hiding the cut on my lip.

Nick found me and walked me too all of my classes and I did my best to avoid Demitri and his group.

It was the end of school finally and I waited by my locker for Nick because we were going to walk to my house then leave on the camping trip. I saw Demitri walking my way and thankfully Nick showed up before he talk to me. We walked out to the side walk.

"Hey, can you wait a second!" I hear a familiar deep voice say behind me as a hand grabbed my arm. I pulled away and looked at the leathered up boy. Nick stood next to me."you have nothing to say to her, come on Beca"

"Ha, I don't think you speak for her Nicky." Demitri said looking past him at me.

"What do you want?"I asked courious.

He sighed "I just want to say I'm sorry for everything I fucked up."

I see Nicks jaw drop.

I just nod not wanting to say anything. Demitri runs his hand through his hair nervously, he just nods as well and walks back to the school.

Nick and I just continue to walk. Nick looks at me still shocked for some reason.

Demitri POV

After I left Beca and her annoying friend, I find myself leaning on my bike smoking again, thinking.

"Hey you, we need to talk." I see the older boy walk up to me. He was Becas brother I think.

"About what?" I ask throwing my cigarette on the ground.

"That day at the park."

"There isn't anything to say."

"Yes there is. My sister told me that you helped her get away from that gang, and I'm thankful."

"Yeah, they would of killed her."

He held out his hand and said his name was Sam then told me that there might be more to me and left.

What the hell is wrong with me? First the girl, playing hero, then saying sorry and now I got the big brother thanking me? I need a drink.


I drove to the bar and met my friends around the pool table gambling on each other.

Asher threw me a beer, yeah sure I beat the shit out him but we're friends.

"Hey man can we talk?" I ask pulling asher aside.

"Yeah, whats on your mind?" He said taking a drink.

I explain how im feeling and whats happening to me about Beca. 

Asher scratched his head. "How long has it been since you had sex, man?"

"What!?" I say confused and thrown back by the question.

"I'm just saying that maybe its a sex craving." He shrugged.

I nod slowly thinking "yeah, maybe."

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