13. The Big Day; Part 2

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When we arrived at the church gardens, the place was covered in lacy blues and whites.

The boys, dare I say it, looked amazing in their suits and ties.

We were only very late, due to Sam taking wrong turns the whole time, but we made it. They just finished their vows and are heading to the back of the church.

Carrie looked absolutely gorgeous, in her longs flowy dress; with her husband next to her.

We walked up to them and greeted them happily.

They said that we had our table reserved for us and we can sit and eat til they are done with pictures.

Lynx dragged us with him to the table and we began to eat, like everyone else.

I look around at her and his family, friends, and others. I spot our friends in the next table over.

I look more and my eyes catch a glimpse at Asher who is sitting silently with some people. Past him I spot my greaser boy leaning on a chair watching me.

He was in a tuxedo, way out of his normal crew look. None the less he looked handsome the way he held himself in the crowd.

I peel my eyes away from him and drink the glass in front of me.

"Whoa there little sis, I don't think you should be drinking the alcohol like water yet." Sam said smiling while he drank.

I didn't realize it that the drink was strong, I liked it and I needed to avoid Demitri.

Demitri POV

I spot Beca across the tables sitting with her family, looking lovely as the first time I saw her. She takes another look at me and looks away back to her table.

Weddings are never my favorite thing but I wanted to see her and if this the only way then oh well.

I straighten my clothes and make one last long look at her, taunting her to follow me.

It worked of course, she said something to ger brother and stood up to follow me.

Shr follows me through the paths around the small lake, to a little opening away from everyone and their eyes. There was only one bench in the clearing.

I stop and turn around, to see her slowly walking close to me.

Becas POV

He gracefully turns to me and places his hands in his pockets like ge practiced it many times.

My body approaches him but my mind doesn't.

He flashes me his smile and my uneasiness dissappeared.

"You look good." I said scanning him.

"I can say the same about you sweetheart."he said.

Demitris face turns grave as he reached for my hands that were awkwardly at my side.

"You have become a little addiction of mine." He says cooly as he starts interlocking our fingertips.

I smile and look down, feeling my face heat up.

"Now when does this wedding end." Demitri says deeply and suductively.

Before I answer Miguel comes up behind us with Sophie. "Oh, there you are."

Sophie looked at Demitri the same way she did at the carnival, but worse.

"You're missing the cake cutting, your brother sent us after you. But you seem to be busy."Sophie said.

Demitri wrapped his arm around my waist. "Ah,we were just coming."

We walk together back to the wedding and enjoy the last hour of it. Lynx and Sam watch Demitri to see if he'll slip up, but he behaves marvelously.

"I'm sorry my readers I haven't been updating,but with school and other things it makes it hard. but I promise I will continue to write when I can.


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