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Bubbles started forming at the bottom of the glass and rising to the surface and Mr. Goldson smiled. "Air." He said simply.

But the bubbles increased and started rapidly rising to the surface. I kept up the flow. It seemed to go on. The bubbles rose to the surface faster and faster before steam started rising and the water started boiling faster and faster. The steam got thicker and the euphoria maintained itself. Fascination filled me.

"Fire. That's good. Fiera, you can stop now." He said.

I didn't stop. My power wasn't switching off and I didn't want it to. The happiness! The glee! This- this- euphoria! I wanted it to stay. I wanted-

"Fiera, stop. You'll tire yourself." Terry's voice got a note of urgency.

I ignored him and let the water bubble. The glass started shaking and the bubbling started reaching the rim of the glass. Drops started flying everywhere and landed on my skin but I didn't feel the heat. The drops rolled off and left my skin untouched instead of an angry red.

Suddenly my hand was grabbed and pulled up. My concentration broke and my eyes turned to Terry as his sudden pull forced me to a standing position. There was worry in his eyes and the steam from the glass floated in between our vision.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. The power in my hands ebbed away and I felt it settle. The euphoria went with it. "I didn't want to stop."

"It's okay." His voice was tight. "It happens. It feels different for everybody but don't ever get carried away. Your power isn't stemming from an unlimited well, you have limits. And only through training can you know and stretch those limits. But remember," his eyes narrowed and his grip on my hand tightened. "Don't ever go past your limit. You will die."

A small pang of fear passed through me and my eyes widened at the word. He maintained my sight for few more moments before throwing my hand away. I stumbled back, still slightly shocked.

"Leave. I'll submit your results."

I stayed frozen to my spot. He broke eye contact and turned away to start typing the results in a small tablet. Another moment passed before I turned around and left the room. The people sitting outside seemed annoyed at the time it took me. But my face seemed to put off their anger.

I could die? Why didn't Mich ever tell me this?

I gained some of my composure before leaving the building and the cool air hinting of coming rains hit me. I took a deep breath and just let the air flutter around me and cool me down.

"Fi-Fi!" A guy's voice yelled my name.

Embarrassment filled me in a second as eyes turned to him and then me. He was waving crazily. I squeezed my eyes shut as my best and only friend over here rushed over to me.

"What di- Ugh!" He was cut off in his sentence as I yanked him by the collar so that he was eye level with my glare. I had been informed it had an intimidating effect on people.

"Eric." I said lowly. "I have told you so many times not to call me that in public. I know you like saying it. But I hear it out of you once more and I'll rip your tongue out through your eyes."

He frowned and then grabbed my wrist, pulling himself free as he straightened. My glare was maintained as he started speaking. "First of all, Fifi is a cute name. Second of all, Fiera is too long to be yelled. Third of all, what is your element?" He burst into a wide grin. "Because, I'm Earth!"

Surprise passed through me and dissipated my anger. "Earth? Wasn't your dad hoping for Earth?"

"Yes!" Eric exclaimed throwing his arms out and stepping back. "It was my grandfather's element and dad was scared that after three sisters who are mostly air, I would turn out to be air too!"

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