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Luckily, the exhaustion and alcohol swimming in my system helped me to a swift descent into dreamland. I had a peaceful sleep. No tossing and turning, no unruly unexplainable dreams. Just the company of darkness behind my eyelids and my comforter in my bed. I woke up quite leisurely the next day. The clock proclaiming that I had an hour or so before work. I made my way downstairs where Mich was reading the day's newspaper seated at the dining table. He didn't even glance up, just hummed appreciatively as I planted a soft peck on his forehead.

"Morning, Fi." He said as I turned towards the kitchen. "Pot's still fresh."

"Don't need coffee." I replied, filling up a glass of water. "I am famished though. I filled up on mostly finger foods and drinks last night. Can you make me something?"

"Sure. You have to leave in an hour right?"

"A bit less now." My eyes wandered over to the dishes, "It's your turn to do..." lingering on a pair of cups standing by the side.

"The dishes?" Mich completed for me as I trailed off. "I know, I know."

Last night's early morning conversation flooded back to me. Now that I wasn't mentally incapacitated by exhaustion or the alcohol, I could fully comprehend the scale of what had happened. I could vividly remember what he'd said.

He cared about me? What does he mean by that? Is that a confession? Does that mean he likes me? He said I was the first one he had told about him and Elizabeth breaking up. Probably because he realised I might have been a bit uncomfortable after what he’d said. I didn't really take him seriously till he broke that news to me. He also said he knows I care about him right before he zoomed off. Sure, I do care about him but I don't know myself yet if it's in the context he was implying.

"Did someone come over last night?" Mich questioned as he came to a stop beside me.

I swallowed softly, not seeing a reason to hide it. "Yeah. It was Christopher."

"Aah. Why'd he come here?" He had a curious lilt in his voice.

"He was a bit drunk." My reply was unbothered. I scratched my head and turned away to head upstairs again. I can't tell Mich about what had happened, I could barely comprehend it myself. "So, I drove him here, gave him a cup of coffee, which apparently he doesn't drink, before giving him the keys to his car back so he could drive home safely."

Mich laughed. "Proud of you, kiddo. How'd he let you drive with your kind of... uh... automobile education?"

"Yuri taught me well, okay?" I rolled my eyes at his careful phrasing. "I didn't let him know till we were already driving."

"That's my girl." Mich's laughter followed me as I headed upstairs to change. A smile tugged at my lips too, temporarily distracted me from my problem.

Was it really a problem though? Christopher hadn't really confessed, he'd just given an inkling to what he might confess. And it’s not like I’m worried. Christopher is cute— I’m not
stranger to that— I’ve been training with him for months. I’ve also refused to acknowledge any feelings for him because I didn’t want it to lead to a situation like this. He technically hadn’t asked me out yet. It was barely a confession. However I honestly had no idea what to do if he did ask me out properly. I wasn't even sure of my feelings towards him.

Mich was decked up in his riding gear as I came back down. Leather jacket, boots, dark jeans and a bandanna around his neck. He looked up at me, a spark in his grey eyes. "I'm heading out to ride today. I'll drop you off."

"Alone?" I raised a brow.

He gave me a wry smile. "I'm a forty-five year old man, Fiera. I don't think I need a permission slip."

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