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Cold. The freezing silence surrounded me, clutching me in its icy fingers. I sat in my cell and sniffled, my tears still running tracks down my face. I wasn't sure exactly how long it had been, but my guess was two days.

Two days since the incident.

My mother and I had been in my room, chatting about mates. That was the day I told her that a boy had a crush on me, and she decided to lecture me. We were laughing when father came into the room, grabbing us by the wrists and pulling us out of the room.

"Dad?" I clearly remembered what I had said, "What's going on? Dad!" He continued to ignore my questioning.

We were shoved into the Rogue shelter, most of the pack was with us. My father still ignored my questioning, giving my mother a kiss before leaving us in the shelter. I pestered  my mother to answer the questions I had directed at father, she had scowled and told me:

"Alpha Delton lost his mate and son in childbirth just last week, he has gone mad and is seeking a female in which to bury his seeds." She had hissed at me. I recognised the name Delton, he had been the Alpha to the pack next to us.

I actually wasn't terrified at the time, looking back I realised that I thought he'd only go after the pretty girls. Like Tiffany, my best friend. Or Alexandrine, the prettiest girl in the pack who had the power to make any male turn his gaze.

But no, he took me. I cowered here, in my cell, dreading what my future with Delton would be like. I remember what mother told me, the Alpha was looking for a female to carry his heirs, and I had a sick feeling I was the one who would be doing the carrying.

My wrists were clamped in silver, connected to chains that dug deep into the concrete wall of my prison. I sniffled again and wiped the tears away from my face, playing with my silky brown hair. I heard a sound just outside the door, I whimpered and backed up against the wall. My lip quivered and I kept my gaze on my lap, noting the mud and blood that stained my now-torn, white sundress.

"Look up, Princess." A silky voice ordered. I kept my head lowered, shaking in fear.

Without looking up, I could just see a man crouch in front of me. He gripped my face and cruelly lifted my head up. I had the urge to close my eyes, but the gaze of his glowing red orbs held me frozen with terror.

"Good girl." He purred, stroking my cheek with the back of his hand.

I swallowed, feeling fresh tears trickle down my dirty cheeks and splash in my lap. He smiled at me and wiped them away.

"May I get your name?" He asks softly.

I swallow again, "M-Maddeline." I stutter, my voice is hoarse from spending hours with no water.

"Such a pretty name, Maddeline." He cooed.

"Tell me your age, Maddy." He ordered. I blink, no one has ever given me a nickname before.

"Seventeen." I whisper.

He smiles, but I know the smile hides something cruel. I take a big deep breath and stare into his eyes, I had barely noticed the other parts of his face but I doubt they are important to know.

"Now, Maddy," he begins, "you are now mine." He growls.

I whimper and try to back myself further into the wall, when I reached the limit I then wished it would swallow me up and take me away from Delton. I didn't have a mate back home, I was still waiting for us to meet. But I still had a family.

"Do not call me by my name," he continues, "To you I am Sir, Master or Alpha" I nod quietly, "You are to carry and deliver my children so I may have heirs, you will never see nor speak to them through their entire lives. You will stay in this dungeon and only be moved to my bed chambers when I desire you, which will be often. And when you stay here I shall have food delivered so you shall stay in good health, Understood?"

"Yes, Sir." I whisper.

He smiles at me again, softer than the other two. He pats my cheek lightly and leans in, for a moment I think he is about to kiss me on the lips and have his way with me right now. But his warm lips only find their way to my forehead.

"Goodnight, Princess."

He stood and left, leaving me alone in the eerie silence of my cell. I sigh and collapse onto my pile of blankets and pillows. That night I slept fitfully, the chains would burn my skin, Delton's words rung in my head and I cried myself to sleep thinking that I would never find my mate and would be forced to have sex with a man I do not love at all.

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