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I peered down at the the test and swallowed the lump in my throat. Two lines. I looked down at my stomach and frowned, poking it softly. I was actually getting bigger, and because Tyler was only part wolf and his mother was an ordinary wolf, it would only take two or three months for me to give birth.

I backed away from the bench, my back hit the wall and I sunk down to the ground. I brought my knees up to my chest and buried my head in them as I wrapped my arms around my legs. I'd be a horrible mother for sure; I had trained my whole life to fight and to kill, not to create life and care for it.

I sobbed quietly, tears trickling down my cheeks. I heard the faint thuds of bounding footsteps coming up the stairs, the bedroom door opened and Tyler's scent was on the other side of the door.

"Jaddy?!" He said in a panic, slamming his body up against the bathroom door.

I didn't reply, too busy trying to stifle my cries so he wouldn't worry about me. He, of course, wasn't taking any of my shit..

"Open this door, Jadzia!" He yelled, making me cry harder.

He took a few steps back, I braced myself as the door crashed inwards. It smashed into a million pieces against the wall next to me, I yelped and covered my head with my arms as splinters of wood showered down on me and got caught in my hair.

Tyler ran into the small bathroom, his eyes were wild and frantic. He crouched in front of me and gripped my wrists, pulling me into his body. He fell back and sat on the floor, holding me close to him.

I gripped at his hair and cried quietly into his shoulder, he rubbed my back and shushed me. After a while, his voice broke the silence of the room.

"What happened?" He whispered in my ear.

I sat back, straddling him and keeping my head down and my hands in his shoulders. He lifted my chin with his hand, we stared into each other's eyes for a moment. I removed my hands from his shoulders and, without breaking eye contact, I placed my palms on my slightly protruding stomach.

Tyler's brow crinkled and he looked down at where my hands were. It took him a moment, but when he finally understood what I was trying to tell him,his face lit up with the biggest smile I'd ever seen. He laughed joyously and wrapped his arms around me, bringing me into his chest.

I giggled and wiped my tears away, his arms tightened around me and he nuzzled his face into my shoulder.

"You'll be the best mother anyone could ever ask for." He mumbled, I smiled.

"I have to tell mum!" I sat back, my eyes bright.

"Well go, go!" Tyler said loudly.

I laughed and jumped up, pulling him with me as we skipped out into the hall and ran to mum's office. I knocked loudly on the door, and when mum opened it I sprung into her arms.

"Guess who's gonna be a grandma!" I squealed.

She blinked. "Oh, Me!" She laughed loudly and hugged me back. "Not bad being a grandparent at Forty-Four."

The Children Of Maddeline Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя