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I munched on my chewing gum and put my warm hoodie on. It had been Summer when I left Australia, so it was obviously Winter here. Not to mention, freaking cold. I shivered and shouldered my pack, pushing through the crowd.

I wandered down roads until I made it to the forest, where I went off road and explored the trees. I was wary, if I stepped into the territory of a cruel Alpha, I would be doomed. After a while I got hot so I removed my hoodie, shoving it in my backpack in case I had to shift immediately and it would be at the harm of destruction.

I heard a twig snap, I spun around, my glowing yellow eyes scanning the wilderness. Even using wolf vision, I saw nothing. My eyes narrowed as I abandoned my search and put my pack on my back again. The hairs on the back of my neck prickle.

'Gloria.'I whisper in my mind.

'DUCK!' She screams back.

I do as she instructs me to; dropping to the ground just as a small black wolf jumps at me. He slips on the leaves and snarls at me, I snarl back but hold my ground. I become aware of his friends, surrounding me and growling.


They all had rotting, yellow teeth. Matted and tangled fur, stained with blood. Murderous eyes filled with madness. Their bodies were covered in scars, I noticed a female with claw marks on her rump and a tiny male with a scratch across his eye.

They circled me, snapping, closing in. I smirked, one pounced and immediately regretted its decision when my foot slammed into its gut and sent the wolf flying backwards into his female companion.

That pissed them off, they charged at me. I punched one in the muzzle as I kicked another, turning in time to block razor sharp claws that sliced through my arms. Oh goodie, more scars for me.

I'm about to turn around and punch another wolf, but I hear it yelp before I'm forced to fight off another wolf. They just kept coming, pouring out of the trees and replacing the ones I've already defeated. I didn't want to turn into my wolf yet, I should only do that when my human form is too weak.

A wolf pounces, I hold up my fists in preparation and it seems as though the world has slowed down around me. He yelps and smashes into the ground as if an invisible force had pulled him down.

I blink, there's a woman straddling his back. She has his large head in a headlock as she squeezes her thighs tightly together. I don't have time to think about who she is, I swing around and smash a Rogue in the face with my fist.

More wolves emerge from he trees. They all had silky fur, white fangs flashing in the sun and bright eyes. They immediately engage in battle with the Rogues, I notice the woman from earlier kicking a wolf in the face. She seems familiar somehow.

When I am distracted with her, I'm knocked down by a wolf. He stands above me and snarls, he snaps at my neck. I catch his mouth, one hand holding either jaw as I grunt in effort.

A large grey wolf knocks him off me. I cough and suck in a deep breath, before jumping up and snapping the neck of another Rogue.

When the fight is over and the bodies of wolves litter the forest. I turn to the group of wolves, they weren't a pack, just a small part of one. The large grey wolf was nuzzling into the stomach of the woman, it immediately crossed my mind that they were the Alpha and Luna.

The woman finally turns to look at me, happiness filling her yellow eyes. Her long brown hair is braided down her back, I notice a large bite-mark scar on the side of her neck, it's hideous to look at with the way it mutates her skin. On the other side of her neck is a much cleaner mark. She's wearing a dark green tank top, a long black jacket, tight leather pants and big black combat boots with huge tongues and double-knotted laces.

"Mum?" I breath, before collapsing from sheer exhaustion.

Authors note:
Hey guy!
Who thinks I should keep writing some steamy make out sessions, and rape/sex scenes?
Lemme know what you think in the comments!
Ok bye!

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