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I awoke with a start, wolves were going crazy and howling all over the place to wake us up. Morgan groaned and rubbed his back as he sat up next to me, his curly hair was scruffy and his eyes were flaked with sleep.

"I don't know if you should fight today, you've just been tied up for the past how many days?!" I was worried about him, I rubbed his massive shoulders and stared into his red eyes. They were the same colour as Delton's.

"Jaddy, I want to fight." He protested, gripping my hands and staring straight back at me.

"Morgan." I growled, he gulped. He may be my older brother, but I had been mated to a hunter who's mother was a powerful wolf. So he was scared of me.

"Alright. I'll get Seth, Caesar, Tianna and Macenna. So that they can fight with you." He said with a massive sigh.

"Good." I muttered. I slipped my armour on and laced up my boots, pushing past the tent flap and shivering in the sudden cold.

My feet sunk in the damp grass, mist swirled around me. I could see wolves moving about, some were still in human form and were donning themselves with spears and swords. I noticed Freya and Beth, hugging it out by one of the fires. Maria and Conny were helping each other with their armour. Mum and Gray were standing in the middle of the clearing, Gray was in wolf form and mum's white dress flowed around her as a chilly breeze blew past. She didn't feel the cold though,she was wearing what must of been a very warm coat and she had been kept in a freezing dungeon for over ten years.

I watched as Gray nuzzled into mum, he purred and she stroked his ears lovingly. Their moment of peace was ruined when a loud howl echoed through the trees, Emma. The army formed their ranks in five seconds flat, I went to stand in front of my group of warriors.

The army was designed in height order. The wolf forms of us were larger than our human forms, but they crouched down low in the front lines. Then came the human forms, armed with spears and with their weapon of choice strapped to their belts. Behind them were the stronger male wolves carrying the human form of the smaller females on their backs.

Emma bounded out of the trees, a snarl plastered on her face as she skid across the wet grass. Her dark brown wolf fur blew in the breeze, the blue ends seeming to glow in the grey morning light. The blue electricity in her eyes sparked.

"Collapse the house, and fight his army." Emma growled, "that is your goal, mine is to clear a path through the trees. So follow me."

She ran off again, the massive tree trunks bent as she ran past them, like she had caused a hurricane gust of wind. They snapped and fell to the ground, it happened to every tree she passed. After a few seconds of stunned silence I broke into a sprint, the thundering herd of our army close behind me.

Emma was a fair way ahead of us, and when the last of the trees fell to reveal Delton's pack, they surged forwards. Emma slammed into Delton's chest, pushing him aside and clamped another wolf's neck in her jaw. I jumped over Alpha Delton, landing heavily on top of a dark grey wolf.

He yelped under the impact, before we scrambled to out feet and snarled. I could see what was happening around me as this wolf and I circled each other; Mum's white dress was swirling around as she sliced wolves apart with her long knives, Gray was snapping necks with his mouth, Maria was weaving in between the enemy's legs and ripping out their throats from underneath them.

The grey wolf pounced when I wasn't paying attention, I tensed my muscles and got ready for his weight to fall down on me. But a blur of light grey fur knocked him to the ground and stood over him. I recognised that wolf, those glowing red eyes and a scar across his left forepaw.

"Morgan!" I barked, agitated that he had shown up.

Morgan ignored me, he and the dark grey wolf stared into each other's eyes. I frowned, the wolf who had attacked me had bright yellow eyes just like every single female in my family. I had to fight off a few enemy wolves who came towards Morgan, whatever he was doing, it looked important.

On one account, when I was fighting back an enemy I didn't realise another wolf coming up behind me. Until I turned too late, the world slowed down and my ears flattened against my skull in fear. He let out a shrill yelp, I blinked and looked down. He was on the ground, mum straddling his back with her arms wrapped around his neck.


His neck broke and his body flopped to one side, mum stood up and released a sharp breath. Her dress and her armour were splattered with blood and dirt. She looked behind me and smiled, I turned around to see the dark grey wolf bounding towards mum and before I could stop him he rammed into Mum's chest.

She laughed and wrapped her arms around him in a loving embrace, he whined and nuzzled into her. Morgan nudged my shoulder and I looked up at him.

"Found Seth." He said, before grabbing one of Delton's wolves in his mouth and throwing them aside.

The dark grey wolf, Seth, ran past me and engaged in a fight with a tiny brown wolf. We fought hard until sun down, but even with our wolf vision fighting at night was unfair and practically impossible. So we slunk back into the shadows of the forest, growling at Delton's pack and dragging our dead comrades with us while the wounded rode on the backs of bigger wolves.

The first thing we did when we were back at camp was help the wounded. We wrapped the dead bodies in sheets and deer pelts, so they could be buried back in America and all have proper ceremonies. I shifted as soon as my paws hit the soft grass of the clearing, and I fell to my knees before collapsing completely.

I could hears the buzz of voices around me, I could feel the rushes of air as wolves jumped over me, my vision was blurry and my eye lids started to drop. I felt my body being lifted up by strong arms, and I was held against a warm chest. By the smell, my guess was that Morgan was carrying me.

Exhaustion washed over me and I fell asleep just as my older brother tucked me into my sleeping bag.

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