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I held the squirming baby girl in my slender arms. I smiled down at her, stroking her soft cheeks gently with my finger. Her yellow eyes glowed, they were just like mine. She gripped my finger in her strong grip.

"Be quick." Delton said. He dropped a notebook and pen in front of me and left me alone in the cell with my youngest daughter.

I hastily scribbled down a letter, telling her my life story on one page front and back. I signed the letter and folded it, removing my moonstone necklace and fastening it around her neck. I slipped the parchment into her blankets and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"You are loved." I whisper.

She blubbers and pulls on my brown hair, smiling and showing off her pink gums. Delton comes back in then and lifts her from my arms.

"Who will raise her?" I ask.

"Mora and Blue," he answers, "the mated pair who train the Warriors."

I swallow and nod, he takes the baby away and returns for me. Taking me by the hand and leading through the pack house and outside. I gasp and inhale the fresh air, blinking in the blinding sunlight and curling my toes in the soil.

"Come." Delton orders.

He takes me by the hand and leads me through the trees, I fight the urge to pull my hand from his grip and run. But I am too close to freedom to be making foolish decisions right now.

"Hurry, my Darling." He called over his shoulder.

I tried to quicken my pace as best could, but my legs failed and I tripped over a tree root, falling to the ground with a cry. Delton caught me in his strong arms and lifted me to his chest without missing a beat. He grunted with slight effort, but I guess I don't weigh much so he didn't struggle to hold me.

I hesitantly wrapped my arms around his neck, feeling one of his hands squeeze my bare butt through the material of his coat. I squeaked and held on tighter as he chuckled.

"The slave house is up ahead, I have made arrangements for you to be sold to none other than Alpha Gray." He said to me, his voice rumbling in his chest.

We approached a small concrete hut with a steel door, covered in vines and leaves. He kicked the door down and descended down a dusty flight of stairs, I cowered as we were enclosed in darkness. After spending so long in my cell, I knew I was afraid of the dark, I yearned for light.

Delton shushed me and carried me down a hall, my eyes adjusted to the shadows and I noticed the hall lined with cells. Some were empty, blood staining the floors and claw marks stretching up the concrete walls.

A girl cowered in the corner of one cell, she looked up at me and I gasped in horror and turned away. She had no eyes, just a rag covered in blood concealing the upper part of her face.

"Pretending to be asleep is best." Delton muttered to me.

I nodded slowly and relaxed my hold on him, closing my eyes and resting my head on his hard chest. I think I actually started to drift off, my hold slipped and my body became limp. In my semiconscious state, I could hear murmuring and I was passed into another's arms.

His chest was hot, and I swore I felt sparks at our touch. He tightened his hold on me as I mumbled. Unlike Delton, he was gentle with me, his hands avoided my butt and he protectively growled at who I presumed was Delton.

"If I ever see you again, I will tear you apart for what you have done to my mate." The man growled, his chest vibrating my body.

Delton snickered and turned on his heal. Wait, did Gray say.... Mate?! No, no, no! This is bad, this is very, very bad! If he finds out about my past I could rejected and exiled or executed.

I start to squirm in his arms and cry out as I try to escape. Gray held me fast and shushed me.

"Calm down, Love." I continued to writhe and attempt to escape.

"No, Gray!" I whine, "when you learn of my past you will not love me!"

Gray kneeled on the cold floor and gently held me. He gripped my wrists as I tried to hit him to get away, my tears returned, trickling down my face.

"Sweetheart, stop and listen to me!" He growls at me.

I jump as I hear the authority in his voice, but I stop my feeble struggles and stare into his green eyes. The swirling shade of jade and emerald calm my nerves and I bury myself deeper into his chest.

"It occurs to me that we both have terrible backstories, and I will love you no matter what, I only ask for your love in return." He murmurs in my ear.

I shiver with lust. He lifts me in his arms and carries me away from the horrid slave house, taking me from my country of birth and caring for me as his Luna.

But I can never give him children, for I am too afraid. My dreams are plagued by the days spent with Delton, letting him touch me in such unforgiving ways and rape me. But Gray is always there to calm me down as assure me that I am safe.

However, my thoughts are occupied by my youngest daughter.

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