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It was many months before our army was complete. They were trained by some of the strongest warrior wolves, along with Emma and I. Conny needed constant feeding and medical attention, her pack was no different. They were all starving, half dead, and covered with fleas.

And I cared for all of them. On the first night that they stayed, most of them found a comfortable spot on the lounge or in the game room. I had snipped Conny's hair until it went just past her shoulder, I had trimmed and filed her nails, and then I had bathed her.

She trained hard, leading her pack with pride even in her condition.

"Maria, your armour is on backwards." I said to the young she-wolf as I walked past.

She grumbled and tried uselessly to put it on her body correctly, I sighed and turned around to help her. My slender fingers were quick to shift the armour and tie it in the correct place, I had done this so many times back when I lived with Mora and Blue. Maria stayed still, her lilac eyes flitting around nervously.

I stood up when I was done, smiling down at the short teenager. My attention shifted to my right, where a male was lying on his back, Emma had twisted his arm while her knees was planted on his chest.

"And that, is why, you never touch a council wolf like that, ever." She snarled.

And at that moment, he knew, he fucked up. Because guess who walked out the back door of the pack house. Emma's mate, Sam The Almighty Alpha of Destruction. When he saw Emma pinning the male to the ground, his blue eyes turned dark. He walked up to them and crouched in front of the male warrior.

"Don't ever touch my wife again." He growled, dangerously low.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to the huge group of werewolves gathered in Gray's backyard.

'Miracle is crying.' I heard Tyler mutter in my mind.

I sighed, "Emma will you and Sam please take over?" I turned to the blue-haired girl. She nodded in understanding as I went inside and trotted up the stairs into the triplet's room.

I opened the door and frowned, it was dark inside and the blinds were blocking the sun out. I fumbled for the light switch, almost having a heart attack when I flicked it on.

"Alazrelle." I breathed in relief.

The tall water witch turned to look at me, she was cradling Miracle in her slender arms.

"I am sorry, I was just walking past and I heard her cries so I..." She trailed off.

"It's alright, Tyler told me she was crying so I came to check on her. Thank you, Alazrelle." I smiled at her.

She smiled back, her gaze drifting to the ring on my left hand. She gulped and gently placed Miracle back in her cot. She was the one who Tyler had gone to see, so she could transfer his consciousness into the ring, she probably felt guilty. I opened my mouth to say something, so that she would feel reassured.

"Jadzia!" Mum called from down stairs.

Alazrelle disappeared in a furious swirl of algae-coloured smoke. I coughed and went down the stairs to my mother. The brunette was standing on the bottom step, tapping her foot agitatedly. I raised my brow at her when I reached the step above her's.

"We are about to go into a meeting, Gray has requested that you join." She said, her yellow eyes shining.

I frowned, but nodded anyway. We went down the halls and entered the meeting room, Gray sat at the head of the table; along the sides sat the Alpha's and Luna's that had joined our allied forces. I noticed Sam sitting in a chair, Emma curled in his lap.

Conny was Sitting next to them, her black hair was slick with sweat and stuck out in all directions. She smiled at me and looked away, I frowned.

"Ah, Jadzia. Take a seat dear." Gray said.

Mum pulled a chair for me and I sat down, she sat down next to me. I noticed that today she was wearing a short white skirt with a black tank top. And of course; her feet were bare and her old coat swished around her ankles.

The meeting dragged on. I only listened to some of it, weapons and armour supplies, army ranks...

"We can use the mermaid transport to get to Australia." Conny piped up.

"Okay, what the heck is this mermaid transport?!" Gray snapped.

"Well, it all started many years ago." Conny began, everyone leaned forward intently. "Camille was the strongest werewolf in her pack, and when war broke out between two packs in Africa, Camille kindly asked the mermaids if they could create a safe passage for the army to go to Africa and aid in the war. The mermaids agreed, and since then they have been providing transport for any amount of werewolves because Camille saved one of their young from humans."

The room was silent, I could see Gray thinking hard about his decisions. Mum rubbed his arm across the table and looked at me.

"Alright, we will take the mermaid transport to get there."

"When do we leave?" I asked.

"Now." Gray stood in a rush, we all stood with him.

"Emma, Jadzia, prepare your troops." He told us, we nodded and scampered away.

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