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I wake up in my soft bed, smiling softly when I feel Tyler's arms tighten around my waist as he nuzzles his face into the back of my neck. Almost twelve months since I was kidnapped and raped while he was forced to watch. It took a while for the pack to adjust to him, even though he's half werewolf, he's spent his life with the hunters.

We'd spent the night in my room, just talking and getting to know each other. His eyes always looked like he was in pain, as if he regretted something. He never let me out of his sight and I was grateful for his care.

"Jaddy, I love you." He mumbled into my ear.

I giggled and rolled over, gazing adoringly into his hazel eyes. He smiled goofily at me, his scruffy hair making him look ten times cuter.

"Jadzia! Tyler! Wake up, it's noon!" I hear my mother yell from downstairs.

I groan and escape Tyler's grasp, stumbling to the bathroom and looking at my reflection in the mirror. My brown hair was in shambles and my yellow eyes were dull because I was still half asleep.

I yawn as I reach for my hairbrush, I tug it through my wild mane until it falls softly down my back, I reach for my hairband and braid my hair over my shoulder. I sighed. It was so peaceful here in America, the pack house was tucked away in the woods where no mortal would ever find us. It wasn't like how I used to live when I was in Delton's pack, the constant hustle of daily life. But here, I'd finally gotten used to sleeping through my mother's screams at night whenever she had another nightmare, I was used to the squirrels always chattering in the trees, and the wild wolves howling at the full moon.

"Stop sleeping in, honestly dear." Mum scolds us as we walk down the stairs.

I smile weakly at her and grab an apple, munching on it happily. Tyler helps himself to a bowl of ice-cream.

"Tyler! You can't have that for breakfast!" Mum growls.

"Mum, it's nutritious!" He complained. I smile as he calls her 'mum', she was his future mother-in-law anyway so I guess he didn't want to constantly call her 'Maddeline' or 'Mrs Brennan'.

Mum rolled her eyes and giggled, I guess she knew by now it was no use trying to convince Tyler what he can and cannot have for breakfast. Gray walked into the kitchen then, his son, Angel, is perched on his shoulder giggling loudly. Mum gasps and goes to hug him, asking him if he had a good nap. Gray smiles at them and ruffles Tyler's hair, but I slap his hand away before he could touch mine.

As I eat my apple, my thoughts wander to my older siblings back in Australia. It's not like I cared much for them, but they were still my half-brothers and half-sisters. The doorbell rings loudly and I slowly get up to get it, I inhale to make sure it's safe.

I open the door, and step to the side slightly. Mum peeks round the corner, Angel snuggled into her arms, Tyler leans back from the stool he's sitting on and Gray cranes his neck from behind the counter.

A short woman stands in the doorway. Her hair is multiple shades of blue, and her eyes are black. She wears a old tan vest over the top of a ripped-up Band-T, with short shorts and black converse high-tops. I notice the plain golden chain around her neck and all the piercings in her ears, not to mention her tattoos. She smiled at me, showing off her perfectly straight teeth.

I raise a brow at her as she pushes past me, her eyes fall upon Maddeline.

"Oh my god, is that you, Luna?!" She shrieks. Mum blushes and hugs her gently.

"I'm sorry, who are you?!" I ask, slamming the door shut. She freezes in the middle of cooing at Angel.

She opens her mouth to answer but is cut of. There's a blur of blonde hair and she's tackled to the floor by the pack's Beta. Chelsea laughs hysterically and pulls the blue-ette up from the ground.

Chelsea notices me staring in confusion, she giggles again and wraps an arm around the girl's neck.

"Jadzia, this is my sister Emma."

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