Important Author's Note

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Hey everyone!

I know it's Been forreeeveeerrr. I'm just here to say that I'm sorry I've barely made a dint in the sequel to this book, but I'm honestly not motivated to write that book anymore, so I'm just going to scrap it.

I know, I know! Some of you were looking forward to that (really? You were? Woooaaahh, I'm famous!) but calm yo tit, just one tit, leave the other one wild, dat your party tit.... anyway, sorry got a bit distracted eehehehehe.

So I've been thinking I'm gonna write a book about Delton when he was younger and how he got all fucked up in the head like how he is now. It's going to be about his childhood with Constance and the reason why she was banished and all that.

Just a MASSIVE WARNING, this book will contain underage sexual activities, incest, rape, some abuse, graphic deaths and really depressing moment.

So if you're not into that and you wanna skip along in your floral sundress to your field of daises and allergies, bye bye!

It might take a while to properly figure out and write, but I just need your opinion: how much rape/sexual moments do you want, if you want any at all??

That's all, TA-TA, hope you can get back to on that last question!

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