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I watched, horror filling my eyes as Morgan dragged the unmoving body of Jadzia back into the clearing. I fell to my knees on the grass, tears falling freely down my dirty cheeks. Caesar ran up behind his brother and sister, I noticed he was covered in blood and he kept on nudging Jadzia with his nose.

But then, I saw her move. Morgan licked the side of her face and the White wolf struggled to stand. Caesar and Morgan pushed her back to the ground gently, they licked her wounds clean and then Morgan ran off to get the doctors.

I sprinted across the clearing and skidded on my knees until I knelt beside my youngest child. She whined, but didn't move an inch.

"Jaddy, get up...." I said shakily, placing my hand on her shoulder and sniffling loudly.

The doctors came and took her away, I sat there and stared at the flattened grass. Gray placed his head on my back and purred, my body vibrated and I clenched my fists. Something inside of me was repetitively turning over and over in restless slumber.

'WAKE UP!' I screamed into my head.

Nothing happened, I sobbed quietly. My wrist snapped suddenly, I screamed in surprise and gripped the joint. My other wrists snapped, then my back twisted and my neck cracked. I rolled around on the ground screaming, my pack started to gather around me in worry.

My eyes closed and the world went dark.

I was confused when I regained consciousness; I was running through fallen trees and charging head on into battle. When the world around me became clear, I could see the dead bodies that littered the ground and I could feel how my paws suck into the blood-soaked battle field.

Wait, PAWS?!

'Megaera!' I yipped.

'That's right, I'm back!' She howled.

I struck down a female with a swipe of my paw, she was controlling me. My wolf had come back and she was fighting the smaller battles for me. I realised that she was saving my strength so I could kill him.

I could barely remember what I looked like in wolf form, I had only shifted two or three times before I was kidnapped and Megaera left my mind. Rich white fur, tinged with dark brown. Yellow eyes glowing with happiness and razor sharp claws.

I snarled at a group of wolves, they backed away and whimpered. I though I was intimidating, but they were looking up at the huge black shape looming behind me. I turned slowly, my ears flattening against my head as I locked eyes with Delton.

Every time I would look into those blood-red eyes fear would strike me and I would submit to his will, but not today. On this day I will fight and get revenge for everything he has done to me and my family!

I snarled and basically roared, I pounced on Delton and latched my jaw onto the side of his neck. I was in control, Megaera had retreated to the back of my mind to watch from the sidelines and jump in quickly if I was in need of her assistance.

Delton growled and shook me off, I fell to the ground but jumped up and swiped my claws across his face. Dark blood oozed from the claw Mark across his muzzle, he bared his sharp fangs and advanced towards me.

I stood firm, and when he approached me I dove under his head in a flash and sunk my teeth into his throat. He yelped and wheezed, his breath caught. I growled and tightened my grip on his weak spot.

I got bored of waiting for him to drop dead, so I shook his body like a rag doll and threw him off to the side. His limp corpse smashed against a brick wall and fell to the ground, I thought I saw him stir....but I guess he actually died when a pile of bricks fell on him.

I stood proud on top of that brick pile and howled loud and clear up to the heavens. I heard answering howls from our army, as they came pouring through the trees to stare up at me with awe and prance around happily.

Now, it is time to return home.

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