Chapter 30 - Schoolyard fight

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Orlando and Noelia both sat on the school playground swings, Orlando was munching on a carrot while the both talked and played eye spy.

Noelia: sighing and looking at Orlando

Orlando: looking over at Noelia

Noelia: playing with her thumbs
Voglio essere in grado di parlare inglese, mi vuoi insegnare? (I want to be able to speak English, will you teach me)

Orlando: seeming confused
scuola vi insegnerà l'anno prossimo, perché l'interesse improvviso? (The school will be teaching it next year, why the sudden interest)

Noelia: kicking sand with her shoes while sitting on the swing
Perché il tuo modo intelligente, la tua si imparando terza lingua e io non voglio aspettare di essere in grado due per iniziare ad imparare la mia seconda lingua. (Because your so smart, your learning you third language and I don't want to wait to be in grade two to begin learning my second language)

He sat there staring at the ground thinking very hard about what Noelia said, it was true that he already know almost three languages and numerous sayings in other languages; this made him seem like the smartest kid in the school, smarter than even the older kids. Orlando fidgeted with the almost completely eaten carrot between his fingertips and dropped it in the sand suddenly, he had made up his mind and looked up at Noelia like he had found the cure for cancer.

Orlando: smiling proudly
Ti insegnerò! (I will teach you)

Noelia: clapping her hands rapidly
La vostra il migliore! Fantastico! (Your the best! Fantastic!)

Orlando: make a number one with his finger
Lezione uno, dire ciao. Ripeto quello che dico. (Lesson one, saying hello. Repeat after me)

Noelia: repeating Orlando

Orlando: saying it again

Noelia: trying again
Hello a?

Orlando: applauding her

Noelia: through her arms up in the air
Questa è la mia prima parola inglese! (That's my first English word)

Orlando: smiling
Va bene provare a dire, Ciao il mio nome è Noelia. (Okay try to say, hello my name is Noelia)
Hello, my name is Noelia.

Noelia: looking proud
Hello a~my a~name is a~Noelia.

Orlando jumped out of the swing and started to do a little victory dance, Noelia jumped off her swing too and join in.

Orlando: holding Noelia's hands while jumping up and down
Hai un bel accento così con l'inglese! (You have such a pretty accent with English) Consente intoduce noi stessi per l'altro adesso, vorrei iniziare! (Let's introduce ourselves to each other, I will start)
Hello, my name is Orlando!

Noelia: pulling Orlando back towards the swing set
Hello a~my a~name is a~Noelia!

The two sat on the swing sets giggling, Orlando was trying to think of what next to teach her, but he suddenly feel out of the swing and landed face first into the sand. Orlando's eyes were coved in sand, but he could hear Noelia yelling at someone to stop laughing at him. Orlando pulled himself out of the sand and rubbed the sand away from his eyes and face, even though it felt like sandpaper was rubbing his eyes he refused to cry; crying would make him more of a target towards the bullies.

Noelia: snapping at two boys and a girl
Amo! Nario! Bia! Perché l'hai fatto a Orlando!?! (Why did you do that to Orlando)

Orlando recognised the trio straight away, Amo was the strongest boy in second grade and Nario was his best friend; those two boys often picked on first graders and the occasional 'weak' second grader. Bia was Nario's younger sister and Noelia's ex best friend, Noelia ditched her for Orlando when she saw Bia and her big brother picking on other people; Noelia could never be friends with a bully and lost a life long friend.

Bia: being nice to Noelia
Noelia, siamo stati solo pretecting da quel mostro internazionale! (Noelia, we were only protecting you from that international freak) Ti ha fatto male di te? (Did he hurt you)

Noelia: growling at the trio
Orlando non è un mostro! Se tutto ciò che dovrebbe essere geloso di come ha visto così gran parte del mondo! (Orlando isn't a freak! If anything we should be jealous of how much of the world he has seen!)

Nario: scoffing
Che cosa è successo al vecchio Noelia? Colui che ha preso lezioni di ballo con Bia. (What has happened to the old Noelia? The one who took dance lessons with Bia.)

Noelia's aggressive stance began to weaken, she had told before Orlando about when she took dance lessons and how much she enjoyed them; she stopped because her father couldn't afford them anymore. Orlando decided to take action and stop them from hurting Noelia, but as soon as he took a step closer Noelia the three tugged her away.

Noelia: try to get away from their grip
Lasciami andare! (Let me go)

Amo let go of her, but Nario and Bia held onto her, pulling her up to school fence and forced her to watch what was about to happen.

Bia: whispering into her ear
Sarò sempre tuo amico , ti sto mantenendo al sicuro da dimenticare il sangue italiano . (I will always be your friend, I'm keeping you safe from forgetting your Italian blood)

Nario: whispering into her other ear while giver her arm a firm squeeze
tuo non è un sangue misto , come quello americano cane wannabe italiana . (Your not a mixed blood, like that American Italian wannabe dog)


Amo: slowly walking up to Orlando
Hey cane americano , dimmi la differenza tra il giapponese e cinese è . (Hey American dog, tell me what the difference between the Japanese and Chinese is)

Orlando: putting on a boxer's stance
Come osi dire che ! La vostra una persona orribile ! (How dare you say that! Your a horrible person!)

Amo: giggling at Orlando's stance
Hey cane americano , perché sei in Italia quando la parte americana , ma nato in Danimarca ? (Hey American dog, why are you in Italy when your also part American, but born in Denmark?)

Orlando: fighting back his tears
Sono più italiano che americano e mi è capitato di nascere all'estero . (I'm more Italian that American and I just happened to be born overseas)

Amo: getting a fist ready
Hey cane americano , come ci si sente che non potrà mai sapere che cosa significa essere italiano ? (Hey American dog, how does it feel that you will never know what it means to be Italian?) Oppure l'idea di perdere Noelia , il tuo unico amico ferito di più? Lei è il nostro amico e non era tuo . (Or does the idea of losing Noelia, your only friend hurt more? She is our friend and was never yours)

Tears filled Orlando's eyes, his heart bounded with pain and he was tired of this; he swung a fist and hit Amo in the chest. Orlando quickly realised what he did and tried to apologise, but Amo waisted no time with giving Orlando back the same medicine; he received multiple punches and kicks causing him to fall over and begin bleeding. The sound of Noelia screaming out Orlando's name while she ran over with a teacher was when Orlando was finally saved, except he laid on the dirt coved in bruises and fresh blood stains.


I'm sorry if any of the racist comments made by Amo makes anyone offended, also if any of the fighting and things like that upset anyone as well. This content need to be added in this chapter, I will add a warning in the front of the chapter if anyone thinks it's needed.

Thank you for reading!


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