Chapter 48 - Life goes on

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10th year anniversary of that year when three amazing and unique people parted ways with others on earth, leaving behind people that they will never stop missing them and craving for them with every essence of their being.

A young man with dark brown auburn hair, a slightly tanned complexion and large green hazel eyes sat at a table with his forehead resting in his palm. He was nearing the end of his childhood, within a few weeks turning 18, but that shouldn't fool anyone; his intelligence was far beyond anyone his ago, mastering almost every spoken language on earth fluently, resolving major global issues and being able to solve a Rubik's cube in under a minute. He was capable of so much, just couldn't seem to stop arguing nations at a meet. Orlando perked his head up and now saw his father arguing with a certain German; naturally everyone else was busy with someone they were yelling at, watching the conflicts or about to smash their phones while playing flappy bird. This began to become tiresome, so Orlando pushed himself up out of his seat and hoisted himself up onto the table, looked around for a second. He then whistled and gestured over to a ginger man with green eyes, bushy eyebrows and wearing a green vest with a shamrock on his tie.

Orlando: smirking at the man while speaking Irish at him
Más mian leat, damhsa beag? (Feel like a little dancing)

Within seconds the ginger spat one last crud comment at Arthur and bolted over towards the table, pulling out his phone and selecting a certain song while he jumped onto the table in mid air; ensuring the volume was at its max. He gently placed down his phone and took his position along with Orlando, as soon as the traditional Irish jig music began the pair started to dance the Irish jig; stomping all along the table while cheerfully smiling. This caught everyone's attention and a heap load of disappointed and confused stares. Once the song had completed Ireland grabbed his phone and jumped off the table, taking his seat and preparing himself to listen to what was about to happen next.

Orlando: strutting up and down the table while glaring at everyone
Take your seats right now, let's get this meeting in order!

Romano: glaring at Orlando
Orologi che si spegne ordini a, io sono tuo padre! (Watch who you shout orders at boy, I'm your father)

Orlando: pointing at a seat
Il più veloce si ottiene questo fatto, il più veloce non è necessario per vedere il tedesco. (The faster we get this done, the faster you don't need to see the German)

With that Romano dragged Feliciano over with him to a seat and sat down, hoping others will take their seats too; unfortunately not everyone was as easily influenced.

Wang: crossing his arms
Wǒ 4000 nián suì, wǒ méiyǒu gàosù shénme yīgè xiǎohuǒzi zuò de! (I'm 400 years old, I'm not told what to do by a boy)
Zūnzhòng nǐ de cháng bèi! (Respect your elders)

Orlando: glancing quickly over at Alfred who was sitting down eating a hamburger
Wǒ kěyǐ dédào zhèxiē qián láizì ā'ěr fú léi dé huílái, rúguǒ nǐ tīng wǒ shuō. (I can get that money back from Alfred if you listen to me)

Wang's eyes widened and he walked over to take a seat.

Wang: nodding his head as he takes a seat
Guāi háizi, hěn cōngmíng (good boy, very smart)

Something had just struck Orlando, he now has everyone seated at the table and all concentrating on him, who was still standing on top of the table; what now?

Orlando: rubbing the back of his neck nervously
What's this meeting about again?

Gilbert: glancing down at his sheet with a raised eyebrow

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