♡♡ ♡ SasuSaku ♡ ♡ ♡

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Nothing is more romantic than your childhood crush trying to kill you, right?

Besides the fact that he tried to end her life x amount of times, Sakura is a himedere and Sasuke is a tsundere. In essence, she craves attention and he hates to give it.

Yes, it's canon.... But, notice how often Sasuke leaves his wife and child?

Seriously, the guy forgot what his daughter looked like!

Forgive me for thinking so, but Sakura deserves better.


For my one hundredth ship reaction, I figured that I'd do something special.

To this day, people still expect me to accept and ship SasuSaku just because it's canon.

These same idiots also ship KibaHina, so either take your own advice.

What I said about this ship needs to be expanded on, so that's what I'll do.

Last booklet, I said this:

"Nothing is more romantic than your childhood crush trying to kill you, right?

Besides the fact that he tried to end her life x amount of times, Sakura is a himedere and Sasuke is a tsundere. In essence, she craves attention and he hates to give it.

Yes, it's canon.... But, notice how often Sasuke leaves his wife and child?

Seriously, the guy forgot what his daughter looked like!

Forgive me for thinking so, but Sakura deserves better."

Sakura deserves a husband that isn't gone for months or years on end. She has gone through Tartarus and back, almost quite literally, and she's earned the right to have a lover that can recognise his own child. Pardon me for saying this, but she shouldn't be with a man that ignored her for years and then repeatedly tried to fucking kill her!

And now, since Sasuke's fangirls are getting butt hurt and the anti-Sakura portion of this fandom is raging, here is why the ship doesn't fit for the Uchiha:

-Sakura was obsessed with him at a young age and was kinda a stalker, so couldn't it be considered Stockholm Syndrome?

-Himederes and Tsunderes do not mix.

-Sakura comes from a citizen clan, not a shinobi one, unlike Sasuke who was the only living descendant of the legendary Uchiha clan. That could mean that the bloodline is now impure.

-Sasuke has repeatedly called her annoying and honestly tried to kill her on several occasions. He'd have to have something like Multiple Personality Disorder or the like to then just be able to get it up for her. (Unless he has no moral standards????)

So, yes, it is canon. No, that doesn't mean that I now have to ship it.

I will always support LeeSaku.


People keep begging for me to do SasuSaku over again.

Guess what?

My opinion hasn't changed in the slightest -- it's abusive and Canon Sasuke is a douchewaffle. He forgot his own child's face. Like seriously, the Uchiha crest on her back should've been a giveaway even if you didn't recognise your own offspring. Sakura deserves so much better. I want to beat Sasuke with his remaining arm, after I tear it off of him. Somebody please knock some sense into these characters!

Look, Rock Lee has been a proud Sakura supporter since he met her. Even after she turned him down, he nearly died to save her. His perfect dream world was Sakura Haruno confessing her love to him, which is sweet and adorable.

Metal Lee's mum is unconfirmed, but a small part of me is still praying for LeeSaku. Sure, it would make the scene where Metal crushes on Sarada über weird but LeeSaku is genuinely my favourite ship and I'd consider overlooking the flowers in the attic moment.



"Ambrosía, it was the ultimate expression of his love for Sakura when Sasuke poked her forehead!!! He got it from Itachi!!!!"

Stop, just stop. Nothing that you do or say will change my mind on SasuSaku.

As for Sasuke poking her, Itachi did that to Sasuke to create distance between the two with a false promise of "next time." If anyone can recall the moment where Itachi states his love for his sibling, he drew their foreheads together - closing the distance between them.

Sasuke poked Sakura's head before leaving the village again, albeit for reasons quite different from his original departure. He's basically getting her riled up over him so she won't move on and marry someone else, like Rock Lee.

"Their feelings connect over the distance!"

This is not a romantic series by any means, so please stop trying to make it into one. Even if this statement was factual, it's the cheesy kinda thing that people throw in there to try to appease the masses when something doesn't make sense.

So, no. This is still my NOTP and LeeSaku is, get this, still my OTP.

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