♡♡ ♡ MadaIta ♡♡ ♡

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Canonically, Itachi is heterosexual. Also in canon, Madara is super dead.

"BUT YOU SHIP NEJITEN AND MADAMEI!!!" I hear you all screaming.



*casually takes away your keyboards*

Ahem, pay attention to the opening sentence. Itachi is heterosexual, he's straight. Yes, I do ship NejiTen and MadaMei. Yes, that does seem to make me look like a hypocrite. However, should we all forget that Madara Uchiha is the very reason that Itachi's life went to ruin? Why??? Because he had a beef with his ex-bestie and decided to wage wars over it. As for me being anti-yaoi, I don't give a flip if characters or actual people are sexually attracted to the same biological gender. It's when people take characters or actual people and just completely bullshit something to satisfy their occasionally sick fantasies (IE sexual abuse fetishes, incest, necrophilia, etc etc.) Matter of fact, I have homosexual OCs. Now, for the crack pairings tidbit... I like to use logic when forming opinions as well as personal opinions. Most crack pairings are a notp for me, but don't forget that I created a crack af pairing in the form of Menmasuko -- Menma Uzumaki x Sasuko Uchiha.

So, here ya go. *hands back the keyboards*

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