♡♡ ♡ KakuHida ♡♡ ♡

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^ Let's take a moment to appreciate that fanart. ^

Moment over, it's time to rip a new arsehole into a shipping pair.

Kakuzu is paired with Hidan because is like ninety-nine percent immortal- starve him and he will die, much like me when I skip a single meal because food is life giving and just downright awesome. Now, that ninety-nine percent that can't be killed comes in handy because Kakuzu seems to just like killing people when he's angry.

"Oh, my sandwich is late? Dead!"

"What do you mean the bounty was exaggerated on the wanted poster? DEAD!"

"There's a tailed beast inside of you? Oh shit, you're very dead once I take you back to my leader!"

So basically, they're perfect partners- except that they hate each other.

And they're not gonna hatefuck because that's against the word of Jashin. Monks/priests, which is essentially what Hidan is/thinks that he is, must keep their dicks in their own pants.

They could maybe stab each other? Jashin would be very okay with that.

But no.

This ship does not sail for me.

They didn't even gather the wood to build the ship. It's being used to make s'mores because I'm hungry.


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