♡♡ ♡ SasuIchi ♡♡ ♡

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"If you hate Sasuke's happiness so much, then explain why you fucking have an OC paired with him!!!" - anon

Ichiki Kuran was originally created to be Sai's twin sister, which is why they have similar eye shape and bangs as well as skin tone. I had posted a rather rough draft of an admittedly sloppy story and people were bombarding me with, "What about Sasuke? Everyone else is married! If Sakura is with Rock Lee, then who's gonna be with Sasuke?!" I tried killing him off, but deleted the chapter due to backlash. After that, I just deleted the story and reworked Ichiki's story. Originally, she was only paired with him to get people off of my back. Nowadays, I use them to practice drawing and writing. People over on dA made groups dedicated to them and my SasuIchi fanart get the most votes of all of my artwork. When it comes to Wattpad and Quotev, my SasuIchi are my most read and voted on pieces. SasuIchi became what it is because people liked it and I grew to love it just as much as them.

There, there's your precious explanation. Hope that it satisfied you.

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