♡♡ ♡ KakaMei ♡♡ ♡

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A/N: forget finishing this thing before 5am. I'm getting bored of this again, though everyone is still free to request ships.

Legitimately didn't even know that this ship existed. I found a few fanarts, but can't seem to find any info on them as a proposed coupling. So, I'm just gonna use my opinion on this. XD

Okay, so their pages don't make me think that they'd be the greatest pairing ever and I'm not so sure that they'd be cute together either. I also already ship Mei with Madara, and another of my friends is obsessed with Kakashi so I have an OC paired with him. However, if I get tired of MadaMei and have a falling out with Layla at the same exact time... Meh, maybe.

Is there such a thing as a POTP, where the first "p" stands for the word "possible" or am I going to have to invent it??? You know what, just credit me with its creation.

Kitty Reacts to Naruto PairingsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz