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Narrator's POV

A few hours later, it's finally time to board the plane.

Before you went in, both Jae's and your family sent both of you off. You could still see the worry on your Mom's face, "It's the year end, and temperatures there will be low, remember to keep warm."

"Yes i will Mom. I've brought a lot of thick clothes, and i'll call back whenever possible."

"Okay, dear."

You hugged my Mother and your sister goodbye and gave a phone call to your Dad telling him you were about to board the plane. He had almost the same response as your mother. You could tell from his voice that was worried about you as well but he told you to still remember to enjoy yourself and take this opportunity to explore.

"Don't worry, Dad. I'll only be gone for about 3 weeks. I'll give you a call whenever i can okay?"

The parting at the airport was reluctant but another part of you was also excited for the new sights and adventures you were about to experience.


(Y/n)'s POV

"Don't faint on me! Please..." A worried male voice echoed.

My vision was vague and blurry. Blinking my eyes didn't seem to have any effect to improve my vision. All i could see was a shadow moving in front of me, somewhat frantically?

"Don't leave me...(y/n). I-"

"(Y/n)? YO (Y/N)?" suddenly a female voice snapped me back to reality and i opened my eyes. "We've arrived! WE ARE IN FREAKING JAPAN."

I stared at her blankly, taking a while to register the surroundings. When i did, i realised i slept through the entire six and a half hour flight.

"(Y/n) you okay?" She snapped her fingers in front of me.

"Yeah yeah i'm fine. I had a dream and it was super weird..." my voice getting softer as i tried to recall the entire dream, but memories of it just seemed hazy.

"Ouch, my neck hurts," i complained as i got up from my seat.

"Of course hahaha. The way you positioned your head when you were asleep looked like you were some dead chicken," she snorted.

"What the... you should have helped shift my head at least."

"I did, many times! But you kept going back to the same position so i gave up."

"Fine fine~" scoffing slightly.


After collecting our luggages from the conveyor belt, we left the airport. I immediately sent a message to my family group, informing them of Jae's and my safe arrival in Japan.

Stepping out of the airport, the cold air slapped me right in the face.

"Crap, it really is cold," being unaccustomed to cold weather, since there are no "4 seasons" from where i'm from, the hairs of my skin immediately stood up.

"Wait let me get my outer winter coat."

"Yeah me too," Jae followed suit.

After about 5 minutes ransacking through the luggage to find our outer coat, we finally had it on.

"Ah~ warm," i said, sighing in comfort. I took a glance at my watch.

"So...where are we going first?" Jae asked me.

"Hmm...it's still morning. So do you want to grab breakfast first? Since it's still too early to check into the hotel."

"Well okay. But where?"

"I don't think we're really in the mood to have a heavy breakfast now. So why don't we just grab a sandwich somewhere near our hotel?" I said, as I opened up the map that i got from the customer service counter at the airport.

"Hm it says here..." pointing at the area where our hotel is, "there's a cafe right here. Let's go!"


"(Y/n)! I managed to flag a cab!" Jae shouted over to me, earning the stares of people around and i swear i heard a few laughters coming from the far end of the pick up area. I turned and noticed a group of guys with different coloured hair at the far looking in our direction.

Ehh unwanted attention

I quickly ran over to Jae and told her in a voice just loud enough for her to hear, "Jae! Shhhh, don't shout. Japan 101: Japanese people appreciate peace and quiet."

"Ah~ sorry, heh," she turned red from embarrassment and tried nodding in apology to the people standing around.

After a few minutes of waiting, a cab finally stopped in front of us, we got in and asked the cab driver to take us to the train station nearer to the city in English. Which was responded with a blank stare by the driver.

Ah i forgot i need to communicate in Japanese.

Using the basic Japanese i learnt, i asked carefully, "Ahem...sumimasen, eki ni ikimasu(excuse me, we're going to the train station)."

"Ah~ Hai(yes)," the cab driver gave us a look of enlightenment and drove off towards the destination.


Finally we're at the train station, we decided to drop off at the train station instead so that we could do a little bit more exploring with the extra time we have.

"Woah look at the train map," Jae looked at the directory in amazement.

"Yeah, it's complicated," i replied her, staring blankly at the directory too. "I think we'll need help. Let's ask someone here."

We realised the train counter was currently closed. So we decided to ask a passer-by instead.

"How about that guy over there? The one leaning against the pillar using his phone, in the cap."

"Oh okay, i guess we could try..."

As we walked over to the guy, i realised he doesn't look local either. Still i was willing to give it a try. As we got closer, he looked up from his phone and gave us a look like...he recognised us...?

"E-eh sumimasen..." trailing off, i was at lost of words and resorted to poking the train station on the map which i just took from the train counter.

Guessing that we are tourists, with the luggage and all, the male asked in a deep and somewhat American-accented voice, "Do you speak English?"


This is the end of Chapter 2! I'm sorry the story's moving oh so slowly😂
Just saving the best parts :3
Nonetheless, i hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Signing off,

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