"I can't find it."

18 2 3

Narrator's POV

The drumming of the raindrops on the window pane made a loud noise. The occasional thunder and flashes of lightning in the dark night sky made (y/n) pull the blanket tighter to herself, curling further into a fetal position.

Jae on the other hand, being the light sleeper she is, started stirring from her sleep. Eventually waking up to a roaring thunder and a bright flash of lightning. Jae groaned, "so loud~" she muttered under her breath. She reached for her phone to look at the time, it read 4:06am. Having the sudden urge to go to the toilet, she reluctantly pushed herself off the bed, the cold air hitting her bare legs. She hugged herself around the stomach as she turned the knob to open the door. The hallway was pitch black. Jae felt along the wall to guide herself towards the switch.

Ah~ there it is... she thought as she felt a flip switch. She flipped it and the light in the hallway and toilet flickered on. The light seeping into the kitchen and the living room. After answering nature's call, she walked over to the kitchen past the living room to get a cup of water. As she was about to return to the room, she noticed a blanket on the floor beside the sofa. She sighed, that guy must have dropped it.

She walked over to pick up the blanket and saw a curled up form on the sofa. Jae hesitantly but eventually decided to cover the male with the blanket.

Although i don't particularly like you, thank you for lending us your room...

She walked back to the room but she just had to accidentally hit her toe against the corner of the kitchen counter, causing a loud sound.


Jae immediately felt a sharp pain from her toe but covered her mouth to prevent any noise from coming out from her mouth, so not to wake the male sleeping just 2 metres away from her. Her toe throbbed and started to feel numb.

"Who's there?" A male voice said, the shadow of a head peeking out from the sofa.

"H-huh? It's just me, Jae," her voice sounding strained.

"Why do you sound so weird? Did you hit yourself?" The male asked, anxiousness seeping through his voice.

"Just a little, but i'm fi-" before Jae could finish speaking, he got off the sofa and flicked the living rooms light on.

"How is that just a little?! It's bruising up!" He said shocked, staring at my toe. I looked down and saw the area under my toenail turning purple.

"I-it's fine! I just hit my toe against the edge of the kitchen counter by accident It's not the first time this happened..."

"No, go sit on the sofa, i'll get the first aid box."


(Y/n)'s POV

I woke up from the noise coming from outside the room. "Mhm..." stirring from my sleep, slowly adjusting to the brightness of the light seeping through the gaps of the curtains as i opened my eyes.

Where am i again?

Using my elbows to support myself, i slowly sat up on the soft bed, hair falling in front of my face in the process. Looking around the unfamiliar room, memories of yesterday came flooding back into my mind.

Oh yeah...i'm in Japan with Jae...

I turned to look towards the other side of the bed expecting to see a long haired girl still sleeping. But i saw an empty space instead. "Huh? Jae?"

I swung myself out of bed and headed out to the hallway calling her name. "Jae? Where are you?"

Rushing out from the room into the hallway without looking, i bumped into someone's chest, making me take two steps back. A strong pair of arms grabbed me by the arm before i could fall further. "Sorry, you okay?" I recognised the voice. It was none other than Jimin. I looked up and he was staring directly at me.

Was his gaze always this intense?

"Y-yep i'm okay!" I replied quickly, slightly flustered.

"Oh you must be looking for Jae right?"

"Yes, you know where she went?"

"She just went out with Jin-hyung and Namjoon-hyung to help find Namjoon-hyung's wallet."



*Earlier this morning*

Narrator's POV

Some of the members were already awake and getting ready for the day. Jae on the other hand, was sitting on the sofa with her leg up and her bandaged toe visible. Jin had helped her tend to the injury earlier that morning. She didn't even go back to sleep after that.

It was a really awkward morning. The rest of the time was spent by Jin asking Jae if she was okay every 10 minutes. Other than the noise coming from the television, it was mostly silent. Although they did manage to have a short conversation. She learnt that they were here on a 3 week holiday too but will be leaving Japan one day earlier than them since thy arrived a day earlier.

"Hyung..." Suga signalled Jin over to the dining table, showing him an opened notebook. Being in charge of the finances for the trip, he was responsible for money spent and had to ensure that the group will have enough to spend for the rest of their time in Japan.

"The expenses doesn't add up..." Suga added, looking between his hyung and the notebook alternately as he tapped the pencil on the table surface with a steady rhythm.

"Namjoon-ah," Jin called over to silver haired male which was in the open-concept kitchen leaning over the counter, eating a slice of bread. "Where's the change for yesterday's groceries?"

Namjoon froze, looking guilty and Jin sighed, unpleased. Namjoon then broke out into a mischievous smile, "Just kidding hyung. I didn't spend the money on anything else. It's in my wallet. I'll go get it." He walked back into his room. Namjoon remained in his room for about 15 minutes before appearing at his door slightly pale.

"I can't find my wallet..."

"Huh are you sure? Did you search properly?" Jin frowned, entering Rapmon's messier-than-usual room to search.

"I'm very sure! I checked everywhere. My bag, the pockets of the jeans i wore yesterday and every corner of the room," he ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

Hearing the commotion, Jae walked over to where Namjoon was standing with a slight limp. "Where did you last see it?"

"I still remember just checking before i bumped into you near the train station," with his own statement, his eyes widened in realisation. "It must have slipped out when i squatted down to pick up the groceries."

With that, Namjoon ran out through the door, grabbing his winter jacket on the way out, "it might still be there, i'll go search for it!" Jin followed closely behind Namjoon.

"I'll come along," Jae firmly said.

"No you can't. You're injured," Jin said with a serious tone.

"This is my fault. He wouldn't have dropped the bag if not for me. So i'm coming," Jae stated firmly yet again. Walking as quickly as she could towards the main door.

She's so stubborn he thought as she walked past him out the apartment.


And... Chapter 11 is here! Jin seems like such a responsible eomma and Namjoon seems like such a cute klutz😍 Ah i love these boys so much>< hahaha😂

Ps. And their mv teaser for their WINGS comeback was just realeased a few minutes ago. I FEEL SO LOST, CONFUSED, NERVOUS, ANXIOUS AND EXCITED RN😭
I need to control these feels😷

*Inhales & exhales*🙇 okay im fine now~

See you in the next chapter!

Signing off,

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