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Heads immediately snapped to the direction the voice came from. With my vision still blurred with tears, all i could make out was the form of a boy. Almost immediately, i was let go and i instinctively hugged myself. Lia and her friends bolted off the opposite direction from the boy. Leaving me seated against the wall, with my knees tucked against my chest, sobbing uncontrollably.

"It's okay. Everything's fine now..." i looked up slowly and saw the boy squating in front of me. I could see his face clearly this time. He had a kind face and was giving me a reassuring, warm smile. He looked a few years older than me...

Slowly, he reached out to pat my head gently. I flinched at the sudden touch, making him pull his hand back slightly. Just as i was more comfortable with his presence, he smiled and reached out to pat my head again, i let him. Just then he saw the red finger marks on my arm.

"They did this to you, didn't they?" He said, having a mixed expression of both worry and anger. I guess he saw me still shaking a bit and his gaze softened.

"Don't worry now. I'm here, i won't let them bully you again okay?" He said with a kind voice. That was the first time i've ever felt cared for by someone. It gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling.

"What did they take from you?" He asked gently.

"They t-took bracelet. My Grandmother gave it to me..." voice breaking at the end, having the urge to cry again after thinking about how precious the bracelet was to me.

"Don't cry..." He paused. I looked up and saw a somewhat sad expression plastered on his face. He looked deep in thought.

"Don't worry, i'll get it back for you," he said softly, looking directly back at me with a warm smile, patting my head again.

"Meet me here again tomorrow okay?" I nodded meekly.

I came back the next day. However, he did not turn up.

He must have just said it to comfort me...

Instead, there was a small brown puppy which kept me company while i waited. It walked over to me and rubbed itself softly against my leg as i was sitting on one of the boxes. I squated down and patted the small fragile-looking puppy.

"Are you lost?" I asked softly. I looked at it's neck and realised it didn't have a tag. It must be a stray.

Unwanted...just like me...

It ended up sitting on my lap the whole time. Only until when i was about to leave, it whimpered and jumped out of my arms, running off towards the direction of another bark, probably from it's Mother.

At least you've found home, little one. Grow up healthy okay?

A part of me was disappointed for not being able to get back the bracelet, but another part of me felt thankful. Thankful for letting me feel cared for, even for just a short moment.

*End of flashback*

"Ah Sumimasen(excuse me)!" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts and realised the person in a plushie costume was talking to me.

I turned to look through the glass panel again, but realised the brown dog that looked so alike to the one i saw at the alley was no longer there.

"Kore wa anata no desu(This is for you)!" The person in the plushie costume(a brown dog mascot) said overexcitedly, holding out a flyer to me.

"A-arigatou(Thank you)," i replied, looking down at the flyer, i realised it was advertisement for a dog cafe. I smiled almost immediately at the picture of a brown puppy printed on the flyer.

Aww~ So adorable...

"I'm cuter though~ right?" The person in the plushie costume said, excitedly. "Woof!"

Shit did i just read my thoughts out loud?

"Hahahaha, r-right," i agreed awkwardly.

"Yah! Doggie mascot, stop being creepy to our customers!" A white dog mascot came over and literally pulled the brown one away.

They were speaking Korean...?

"Please come visit when you can!" The person in the brown costume said in Japanese, before hoping off excitedly with the white mascot.


"(Y/n)!" I turned around at my name being called, and saw Jae stomping over to me.

"WHERE DID YOU GO?! I LOOKED EVERYWHERE FOR YOU," she irritatedly said as she pulled me along with her.

Narrator's POV

"(Y/n)!" She turned around at her name being called by another girl. Seeing her respond to the name he knew so well, he confirmed his guess.

It really is her... he thought to himself as he remembered the bracelet safely kept away in his drawer.


And...chapter 6 is here! 😊
If you're still reading till this chapter, i would like to thank you for your support! I really really appreciate it^^

Hope you've enjoyed the story so far!

Signing off,

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