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Narrator's POV

"Thanks for the dinner!" Jae and (y/n) thanked the boys.

"No need to thank us, just take it as a surprise meal to celebrate our new friendship," Jin said with a smile.

Dinner ended quickly and we all had our stomachs filled to the brim. "Ugh i'm so full i wanna sleep," Suga rubbed his stomach and yawned. "That's all you think about, hyung," Hoseok commented. Namjoon looked at his watch, "It's getting late. I think we better bring (y/n) and Jae back to the hotel."

"Huh~" V said dolely. "Can we meet up with them again?" V asked looking to their leader. Namjoon looked at everyone, scanning their reactions. "Since everyone doesn't have any objections, then okay."

"Is it okay with you?" Namjoon asked now facing Jae and i. "Mhm yes."


Jimin's POV

"Woah so that's that hotel you're staying at?" Hobie hyung exclaimed in amazement. "It looks nice!"

I had to agree. The exterior looked...expensive. "This view is nice," Kookie commented as he lifted the camera hooked around his neck to take a shot. Jungkook always had a thing for taking pictures. He just enjoys preserving memories in this way.

I stole a glance at (y/n). She had this look on her face. It was like she had something on her mind. She's been like that since dinner.

Suddenly, Jae turned around and shot me a suspicious look. I quickly looked away.

Shit, was i staring?

I mentally facepalmed myself. I must have looked so creepy, staring like that.

Entering the hotel and going up the elevator, it was slightly squeezy. Jae was still giving me a weird look. She pushed her way between me and (y/n) whom was in front of me.



The room door clicked before (y/n) pushed the door open. It was a double-connecting room. (Y/n) and Jae put down their bags and pushed their luggage from the small walkway to make way for all of us to walk in.

"Oh it's fine, we'll be going back now," Namjoon said, smiling.

"Thank you for today! I had fun," V and Jungkook bowed with a smile. "Ah haha, i had fun too, thank you," (y/n) smiled back.

"Well then, see you tomorrow!" Hobie waved happily with a smile.

"Ah Jae remember to take care of your toe," Jin said pointing at Jae's wrapped up toe. "I will," she replied with a smile.

"Then...we'll go now, goodnight!" As they were walking away, i was left standing there. "Aren't you going?" (Y/n) looked at me still holding the door open.

"Ah~ right. Uhm..." i mustered up my courage to ask what i've wanted to ask for a while now. "Do you think i can get your number?"

"My number?" Obviously surprised by my sudden question.

"Yeah," scratching the back of my head, "uh so i can create a group for us and both of you...purely for trip purposes," i quickly added.


Jae's POV

"Why were you standing at the door for so long?" I asked without looking up as i heard the door close shut with a click.

"Ah i was talking to Jimin," she said walking over to her luggage to unpack.

"Oh...about what?" I looked up now curious.

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