"Let's just trust him".

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Jae's POV

Going back to the exact spot of where (y/n) and i bumped into Jimin and Namjoon yesterday, we searched the area thoroughly. However, to no avail.

"Hyung, i'll go further down the road to check just in case," Namjoon said pointing down the street.

"Okay, i'll stay here with Jae," Jin yelled over to Namjoon who was already halfway down the street. Wanting to check the grasspatch just beside the area we met, i stepped onto the moist ground and attempted searching. "Wait, how does Namjoon-ssi's wallet look like anyway?"

"It's a brown flip wallet...i think," Jin recalled.

"Ah~ okay..."


After 20 minutes of searching around the area, the wallet still couldn't be found. "What do we do now?" I asked Jin, worried.

"It's okay, we can head back to the apartment first. I don't want you walking too much with that injury."

"I hope Namjoon-ssi found it..." i sighed, feeling bad.

After all, i indirectly caused him to lose his wallet... And i smacked him so hard with the umbrella.

I sighed again. "Don't worry. Namjoon will know how to handle it. He's been through worse..." Jin looked at me reassuringly.

"What do you mean?"

"He's even lost his passport during our trip to Europe once," Jin stated, shaking his head. "He might be careless... but he's really responsible as our leader. He wouldn't want us worrying for him either, so let's just trust him," Jin said, a small assuring smile forming on his face.

Hearing him say that, i felt the strong bond between them. It showed me how close-knitted they are. Such a relationship is truly priceless.

"By the way," Jin spoke softly, stopping in his tracks. "I'm sorry if i offended you the first time we met," he said smiling, feeling embarrassed. "Although i don't really remember. Hoseok did mention it to me," he paused rubbing the back of his neck. "It's just...i have a short temper if it's something related to food hahaha..."

I looked at his embarrassed form and giggled. "W-what's so funny?"

He's not as bad as i thought...

"Mhm nothing," i replied smiling. Not planning on telling him my thoughts.

"Tell me~ or is there something on my face?" He quickly felt his face with both his hands.

"it's just...," i trailed off grinning.

"What?" Still busy feeling his face, anxiousness starting to cloud his features.

"Nothing. And don't worry there's nothing on your face. Hahaha," i laughed at his reaction.

"Anyway let's get back now, (y/n) must be waiting for me." He nodded.

As we were walking back and trying to avoid stepping on the puddles of water formed by the uneven pavement, my foot slipped, making me lose my balance. "Careful!" I immediately felt a hand grab my arm before i could fall, helping me regain my balance.

"My gosh...thank you for saving me..." i looked at him thankful. "You okay? You're so careless," he breathed out forming a white mist.

"Yeah i'm fine..." i said, trying to reassure him. "Uh..." realising his hand still holding my arm, "i'm fine now. So..."

"Nope, i'm supporting you all the way back to the apartment. I don't want you getting more injuries."


(Y/n)'s POV

How could Jae just leave without telling me (T.T)
It's already ten in the morning, why isn't she back yet...

Taehyung's POV

I saw (y/n) pacing about the hallway anxiously. "(Y/n)!" She turned around at my voice.

"Yes, Taehyung-ssi?"

"Don't call me Taehyung-ssi~ it makes me feel like we're strangers," i said, pouting slightly. "You can just call me Tae," expression changing to a smiling one.

"Ah...okay uh, Tae~" she said rather perculiarly.

"Don't worry about Jae, i'm sure my hyungs will take care of her," i smiled. She nodded at my reassurance. "By the way, I just wanted to ask if you and Jae have anything planned for the day?"

"Oh no...we don't. Why?"

"Yay~ because i was wondering if you and Jae wanted to accompany Kookie and i to the dog cafe today? We're going to help out," i asked smiling brightly, with hopeful eyes.

"Help out?"

"Yes, that cafe actually belongs to one of my childhood friend. So we decided to help her out when we found out she was opening one of her branch here in Japan. You and Jae like dogs right? So i thought i'll ask both of you along, hehe."

"Ohh...thanks. I think Jae wouldn't mind. When?"

"Uhm...now? I've to be there in 45 minutes..."

"Huh...but i'm waiting for Jae..."

"Yup, that's what i was thinking...hmm", i bit the  inner side of my cheek as i suddenly thought of an idea, "how about i ask Jin-hyung and Namjoon-hyung to meet us there together with Jae instead? You can be our first customer for the day," he smiled warmly.

"Okay..." suddenly thinking of the rest, i asked, "How about Hoseok-ssi, Jimin and Suga-ssi?"

How does she say Jimin's name so naturally?

(Y/n)'s POV

"Ah~" he paused, looking deep in thought before quickly telling me that they have an errand to run so they'll meet us later. She thought for a moment before agreeing. I went back to Jin's room to change, tidied his bed quickly and brought along my belongings, together with all the things Jae and i bought yesterday. When i returned to the living room, the two males were already ready, carrying their bags.

"Let's go!" V said with his usual 'boxy' smile as Jungkook and him covered their faces with a mask.


Here's Chapter 12 for you! Argh this chapter was so troublesome. I wrote it the first time and read through. And then i realised certain things just didn't really link up. So i rewrote it😧

I'm so sorry if this chapter was confusing, since i changed POVs so many times 😭 Handling so many different characters in my first fanfic is such a HUGE challenge. My brain is withering😣 i promise to try my best though! Btw please excuse my limited vocabulary. *sigh*

Still, thank you for sticking with me even to this chapter. Hope to see you in my next chap!

Signing off,

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