Triggered Memories

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"(Y/n)?" I called out. "(Y/n)?!" I called out louder this time.

Where did she go?!

The increasingly crowded street isn't helping me find her either.

She couldn't have gone far. I thought to myself as i started looking for her in the shops and areas nearby.


Narrator's POV

"That was the hardest breakfast to digest," Jae said, making a disgusted face. "Surely there's a limit to..."

(Y/n) was distracted by the crowd in front of a shop and unintentionally tuned Jae out. Stopping in front of the shop and looking in through the glass panel, she was greeted by a light brown puppy looking right back at her. Bringing her back to the past...


"Ewww (y/n), your shoes are ugly," her classmate spat out, pointing at (y/n)'s old, no-longer white school shoes, "but it suits you perfectly." The group of friends laughed at her mockingly.

(Y/n) looked down and fiddled with the last button at the hem of her uniform, like she always did when her classmates said hurtful things to her. Her eyes started glazing over, but she promised herself to never break down in front of these people. After all, they would get bored of picking on her and walk away after a while. And she would just simply wipe away her tears.

(Y/n)'s family wasn't in a very good financial situation then. Although she couldn't really understand what was happening in her family since she was only 6, she just knew she couldn't have what most children her age had, a proper school bag, proper school stationaries and at least an acceptable looking pair of school shoes. Everyday, she was the topic of gossip and people would make fun of her for the sake of entertainment. Knowing that (y/n) was the quiet sort and always kept to herself, she was the perfect target. She didn't have any friends of her own, so during break, she'd just spent all her time hiding in a toilet cubicle to avoid everyone.


"(Y/n), this is for you," her sickly Grandmother spoke with a weak, shaky voice.

(Y/n)'s eyes enlarged and glittered at the beautiful bracelet held out to her. It was silver with a tiny sapphire blue crystal right in the middle. It looked simple yet elegant.

"Oooh, it's beautiful," (y/n) said softly.

"Put out your hand, (y/n)," her Grandmother said shakily, while softly patting the edge of the bed she was lying on.

"(Y/n) you're really young and may not understand this yet, but just remember that things happen for a reason." She paused, helping (y/n) put on the bracelet on her small wrist, "No matter how bad things may seem to you at that time, there are always reasons behind why things work out a certain way. And when you look back after a period of time has passed, you'd be able to see how things all fall perfectly into place. Never give up and always remember to stay strong no matter what, after all, the dawn before the sun rises is the darkest."

I nodded at my Grandmother, earning a warm smile from her. I lifted up my wrist to look at the bracelet, touching it gently, i found a small carved letter "M" behind the crystal.

Sadly, a few weeks later, (y/n)'s Grandmother passed away due to her detoriating health. Although her Grandmother left her, physically. The precious words from the last conversation she had with her Grandmother, was kept close in her heart. Since that day, she never took off the bracelet, in memory of her Grandmother she missed so much as well as the advice the words that her grandmother told her.

After her parents had completed settling her Grandmother's funeral, (y/n) returned to school. For the past two days, (y/n) was able to avoid Lia, the girl 2 years older than her, someone who wouldn't hesitate to humiliate you in front of a group of people. The scene which was oh so familiar to (y/n) in school. She was the reason behind most of the tears shed for the past 2 years.

It was the end of school and (y/n) was walking home. Walking on the street, she was suddenly roughly pulled into a quiet alley with a hand covering her mouth. In a split second, (y/n) was pushed against the brick wall. Looking up, she met the eyes of the person she feared the most, Lia and friends.

"Did you think you can hide from us, (y/n)?"

I looked at them blankly, tears already forming in my eyes.

"Where did you get that bracelet from?" One of the girls from her gang shouted, grabbing my arm roughly.

I looked at her with my glazed over eyes, terrified.

"Answer me!" Still not daring to speak a word, she continued, "YOU STOLE IT DIDN'T YOU?" Her grip tightened on my arm, bringing my wrist up to get a closer look at the bracelet. "It looks expensive, we can sell it for some extra money," one of the girls made an attempt to whisper, but failed terribly.

"N-no... I d-didn't!" I whimpered out in pain, struggling to get out of her grip but to no avail.

"There's no way someone as poor as you can afford this. I shall take your bracelet away as your punishment," another girl added in, trying to take off the bracelet from my wrist. However i continued struggling, making it difficult for her to unhook it.

"Hold her down," one of the girls said.

"N-no please don't. Not t-that," i begged, crying uncontrollably.

The girl finally unhooked the bracelet and let it slip into her pocket easily.

With me still held down by her 2 friends, Lia took my bag and started ransacking through it. "Filled with rubbish." She tossed my bag aside. "Maybe she has somemore valuables on her," Lia said lamely. But just as she was about to do a body search on me, a voice rang out.



Chapter 5 is done! Finally! This is the longest chapter i've written so far😂 sorry for such a longgggg flashback but it'll play an important part in the story hahaha.

Anyway i hope you've enjoyed this chapter!

Signing off,

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