Ch. 11 Day Off

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Ch. 11 Day Off

You slowly flutter your eyes open, and see the sun shining through the curtains. You look over at the clock, it reads 10:06 A.M. as you yawn and sit up. You hadn't expected to have the day off.

"What should I do today?" You thought for a few minutes when you get an idea and grab your phone. You wonder if Jeremy was off today.

"I wonder if I should call him. I don't want to get him into trouble if he is at work." You say out loud as you look at the phone in your hand. You were going to try. You find his number and hit dial as you nervously waited for him to pick up.

"Hello...?" His voice came on the other end.

"Hey Jeremy, I hope I'm not calling at a bad time." You say nervously.

"Hey (y/n) you're fine." You hear him say cheerfully.

"Oh good, uhm...are you off today?" You ask.

"Yeah, I'm off. Why, do you need something?" He asks you.

"No, I just wanted to know if'd like to come over today and you know watch anime and stuff. You...don't h...h...have if you got other plans." You say stuttering over your words.

"That sounds great. I would really like that (y/n)." He said happily.

"Great, we can make it an all-day thing!" You say excitedly. You give him your address.

"You live near Mike then?" Jeremy asks you. "Yeah a lot closer then I'd like. He's like four rooms down from me." You say with a slight growl.

"Hehe....well I should be there soon." He tells you.

"Yeah see you soon." You say smiling. You both hang up and you get out of bed. You hurry and take a quick shower and find something nice to wear. You decided on something simple. You were running around your apartment trying to clean up and make sure everything was in its place. The first day you met Jeremy, you thought he was the sweetest thing. Then you got to know him better, and you developed a small crush on the boy. You want to actually spend a day with him, but it never happened until today.

"Damn I'm nervous." You tell yourself, as you breathe in and out trying to calm down. Just then you hear a knock on the door. You look over, and hurry to open it.

"Hey (y/n), how's it going?" Jeremy said smiling at you.

"Hey Jerebear, so glad you could come over!" You say and step to the side to let him in.

"Wow, look at all your stuff." He said as he walks into your home. You had anime, manga, and figurines everywhere.

"Yeah, I do have a lot. Hehe, so have you watched a lot of anime Jerebear?" you ask him.

"I have seen quite a few. How many have you seen?" He asked you excitedly.

"Oh my, I've seen so many. I love the older ones. I do watch a few main stream ones but the lesser known ones are the best." You tell him as you sit on your couch and he comes over and sits down beside you.

"Really, do you have any? Can we watch some?" Jeremy said as his eyes light up.

"Of course we can, that's why I asked you over." You tell him smiling. You start up one of the older anime's and sit beside him. Jeremy and you both watch episode after episode and you could see Jeremy really getting into it.

"Hey (y/n), I really like the girl in this one. She's so nice. Who do you like?" He says looking at you.

"I like the guy who has feelings for her. I think he's really sweet. He kinda reminds me of you with your shyness." You say blushing a bit and you can see his face blush a bit too.

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