Ch. 20 Bad-Day

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Ch. 20 Bad-Day

The morning light shines through your window as your eyes flutter open and you let out a small moan as you stretch out. You wiggle around getting nice and comfy under your blankets as you close your eyes again and you snuggle closer to the warmth you are feeling.

"This feels so nice. I don't want to get up." You think sleepily. As you begin to drift off again you feel something, or more like someone place an arm around you and pull you closer to them.

"What the hell!" you yell jolting up and looking over beside you. Your eyes narrow together as you now know who it is.

"Good morning honeybee." Goldie purrs out sweetly.

"What the fuck are you doing in my bed?" You yell out at him.

"You looked cold my dear, so I simply wanted to share my warmth with you." He said gesturing to himself. You notice he didn't have his shirt on, and your eyes travel down his chest, and to his abdomen.

"Boy you better have something on underneath them covers." You say pointing at him.

"Would you like to find out? I would not mind a little touchy-feely from you." He said pulling the blanket down just a bit so you can see the V line of his hips. You just glare at him now.

"By the way your skin feels so very nice." He hummed out as he reaches over and touches your exposed skin. You growl out and punch him in his stomach.

"Ooofff....." He huffs out in pain.

"Stop touching me you jerk!" You yell out.

"Damn...I love you." He huffs out.

"Get out of my bed!" you demand, " and don't let me find you back in it or...." You hiss out.

"Or what honeybee? Will you hit me, smack me, or maybe beat me? Oh oh oh....I know you can spank me like the bad little bear I am." He purred out as he sits up on his knees and puts his wrist together. As he did the blanket comes off of him, and as your eyes travel down you can see that he is indeed not waring anything. Your eyes widen and your face turns red as you look back up at him.

" what you see honeybee?" He asked seductively as he leans closer to you.

"You want to touch maybe? I am sure that after your last show your hands are amazing." He said now crawling over to you, as he leans over you and his face getting closer to yours. "Maybe we can do more than just touch? I heard you moan for him before, why waste your breath on a stage hand like him, when you can entertain a star like me? I mean he reads tabloids for heaven's sake." He said smirking at you.

"You got 2 seconds to back up and get out of my room before I rip "it" off." You growl out as you narrow your eyes at him.

"Aaahhh....damn that fiery spirit of yours. It sets my circuits on fire every time I see it. Hehehe....but I know you will not rip off anything. You are curious to know how well I can perform." He purred out as his eyes look into your brown ones.

"Just get out of here, you crazy pervert." You yell out as you push him off your bed and unto the floor.

"Should I remind you that, you are embarrassed by a naked animatronic bear? So my dear, who is the crazy one?" He grinned at you as he peeks over the bed.

"You make me crazy, aaarrrggg...." You yell out and hit him with a pillow.

"I know you want me..." He purred out and winked at you. You let out a growl as you get up. Flustered and furious you head to the kitchen to get a drink, and try to calm down.

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