Ch. 14 Wake-up call

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Ch. 14 Wake-up call

You were sitting on a park bench watching the clouds roll by; it was calm just sitting there as the wind blows back your hair. You smile to yourself as you take it all in, when you hear someone call out your name. You look over to see Jeremy walking up to you. "Hey (y/n), how are you today?" he ask giving you that sweet smile of his. "Jeremy, hey I'm fine, just taking in this wonderful day. Would you like to join me?" You ask hoping he would say yes.

"I would love to." He said sitting down beside you. You smile as you watch him; he closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath.

"It really is a nice day to day." He said moving a little closer to you.

"Hehe it is a whole lot better now." You say flirtatiously.

"It's always better when you're around." He said looking at you. You lean closer to him.

"Maybe we can make it better?" you ask seductively. Jeremy moves closer, your lips only centimeters a part, you could feel the heat from close....

*RRRRIIIINNNGGGGG* your eyes shoot open to the sound of your phone ringing. You let out a growl as you grab your phone, to see who was calling. It was Scott, you like Scott you really do but you were going to hit him. You press the answer button.

"Scott hunny I love you but one of two things had better be happening 1. You are on fire and I'm the only one who can put you out or 2. They are half naked hot guys chanting my name and who are going to pamper me for the rest of my life. Which one is it?" you say quite annoyed. "Ah...I....*cough* I'm sorry (y/n) I know it's your day off, but the boss needs you to come here for just a bit. There is something he needs you for. He called Mike in to. I don't know which is scary Mike or you." Scott says.

"Aaahhhh, fine I'll be there soon." You huff out annoyed.

"Thanks (y/n)." Scott says and hangs up. You get up and head to your bathroom. You look at yourself in the mirror. You're a mass, your hair is everywhere, a tired look on your face, and then that is when you notice your neck. A dark bruise had appeared around it.

"Damn, Marry did a number on me." You say as you touch it. It was sore and you huff out as you fix your hair and try to wake up. You walk to your closet to find something that could cover your neck. You really didn't want to be question should anyone see it. You put on a tank top and find a button up shirt that had a collar so you could cover it up. Putting it on with some jeans you grab your things and head out the door. As you shut your door you see Mike walk up to you.

"Hey hillbilly, Scott call you too?" He asks in a sleepy tone.

"Yeap, this had better be good, I was having a really good dream." You say smiling at him.

"Tell me about it. I was too." He said smirking at you.

"Hey, since we are both going you want to ride with me?" You ask him.

"Sure, I'd like that." He says with a yawn. You both get in your car and head to Freddy's. You both talked about everything. You were both laughing as you pull into the parking lot and park.

"No way really, that's hilarious." You say crying because you were laughing so hard.

"No, it happened." Mike tells you laughing just as hard. You both sit there and catch your breath before you both look over at the building to see three very confused faces looking back at you.

"Pphhhffff....hahaha look at their faces." Mike busts out laughing again.

"Hehehe....they don't know we are cool now." You say trying to catch your breath.

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