Ch. 22 Sleepover

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Ch. 22 Sleepover

"Ok, so I've made a list of everything I will need to make the food." You say happily as you look over at Scott.

"Wow! That's a lot of stuff. Are you going to be able to make all that?" He asked as he looked over the list.

"I hope so. It will take some time but it's for Fritz and I'm going to try." You say smiling back at him. You were working tonight with Scott and the two of you had been working on Fritz's birthday party. Luckily for you, you had brought your laptop and everyone was engrossed in their shows leaving Scott and you to plan out everything.

"Ah...maybe I could come over and help you." Scott offered looking over with a smile.

"That would be great! I could definitely use the help." You cheered happily. "Just tell me what I need to do and I'm on it." He laughed.

"You're the absolute best Scott." You beamed at him with a huge grin on your face as you take both his hands in yours. Scott's face blushes at the contact of your hands with his.

"You ok hun? Your face is really red." You asked him worried.

"I....I'm fine...(y/n). It's...just hot that's all." He stutters out as he looks at you.

"Really? I think it's kinda cold myself. I hope you're not getting sick." You asked as you reach over and place a hand on his forehead. His face becomes redder now.

"You don't feel hot. Maybe it's just me." You say as you pull back your hand now.

"A...ah....anyways....I'll come over tomorrow and help you anyway I can. I'll even bring you, what was it, a milkshake with caffeine in it." He chuckles out.

"White chocolate please." You smile at him.

"Alright, that sounds good." He said as he looks away from you still blushing. You look down at your watch now.

"Oh, it's almost time to go." You say looking back up at Scott now.

"Yeah, it is. It's nice that time goes by so fast now." Scott said looking at his watch.

"It's because I'm awesome." You giggle as you place a hand on your chest and close your eyes with a huge grin on your face.

"Sure, we'll go with that." He chuckles at your antics. You get up from your seat and walk over to everyone.

"Alright guys, its time." You tell everyone.

"Nnnnoooo...just one more lass please." Foxy begged as he hugs your leg and looks up at you with his big pleading yellow eyes.

"I know hun. It's getting really good but it's almost time for me to go." You tell him as you pat his head affectionately.

"But big sis, you're not going to be here for two days....we are going to be lonely." Chica said as she glomps you and nuzzles her face into your chest. Her violet eyes looking up at you sadly and a frown on her face.

"Yeah we are going to be so bored without you Doll face." Toy Bonnie cried out as he hugged your arm.

"Oh I know! Take us home with you." Toy Freddy yelled excitedly as he hugged your other arm now.

"Guys..." you began to say.

"Good idea." You hear the Boss man's voice ring out in the room.

"What?!" Everyone yelled out at once.

"Sure take them home with you. We need to do some things around here and they would just be put in the back room anyways. Let them go and get some fresh air. It will be fine as long as you are with them." Boss man said grinning at you. Scott's face turns to one of shock and fear as he walks up to the Boss.

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