Ch 36 Ending 3: Vincent

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Ch 36 Ending 3: Vincent

Vincent's Ending


This has adult situation, malexfemale, and smut. If you are uncomfortable with this types of situation please do not read. MA18. If you are ok with this please come read what dirty things we came up for you. This is part of the ending. I will put (***) at the parts before the things get heated up if you don't want to read that part.

You turn around and see Scott standing there looking at you.

"Scott?" You ask in disbelief.

"Hey (yn)." He said as he rubbed his arm. You fidget with your fingers as you look up at him trying to think of something to say.

"Listen, I…I want to apologize for how I've been acting towards you. I was….being selfish." He said as he rubs the back of his head now.

"Selfish? You have been avoiding me for weeks. Do you know how bad this has hurt me?" You said looking at him and hugging yourself.

"I know. I'm really sorry (yn). I never meant to hurt you. I know now that avoiding you was not the answer. Please, forgive me. I don't want to lose you. You are one of my closest friends and I just want you to be happy." He said as he reaches out and touches your shoulder.

"Scott, you know that I will always forgive you. You mean a lot to me. I want to see you happy too." You say as you touch his hand.

"I know. This is one of the reasons you are amazing." He said as he smiles at you and pulls his hand back.

"Now I know that a certain someone has been on your mind. You should go talk to them when you get the chance to." He said with a chuckle. Your face lights up red and you look away.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." You say blushing red and crossing your arms.

"Hehehe…I know you do. Anyways we'll get together later (yn). Have fun tonight and just keep being yourself." He said before he turns and disappears into the crowded room. You watch him before sighing out and looking around the room looking for the one person who has been on your mind. You find the person and you were leaned against the wall watching Brittany hanging all over Vincent. Her hands rubbing all over his chest and arms and the more she touched him the more pissed you got. Why did it piss you off? Somehow this purple eyed men had managed to make you fall for him and you had no clue on why and how. As you watched them he would look up at you and give you his signature smirk.

"Just give it up girl. He is just messing with your feelings. He doesn't really want you." You tell yourself as you watch them. Brittany giggles out as he smirks at her and you let out a small growl. He looks over at you again and Brittany looks back to see you now. She glares at you before looking back at Vincent and places her hands on his cheeks making him look at her. You watch as she pulls him closer and leans in kissing him. Pain hits your chest as tears prick your eyes and you quickly turn and run down the dark hallway. You run all the way to the end of it and lean against the wall. Your arms against the wall as your head drops down and tears stream down your face.

"Why!? Why him? Of all the people in this world why did l have to fall for him?!" You cry out as you ball your hands into a fist and lean against the cold wall.

"Why him?" You mutter out as the pain in the back of your throat throbs. You stand there crying when you are quickly spun around and pinned against the wall. You look up to see purple eyes looking straight into yours.

"Vin..ce..nt?" You stutter out blushing now.

"Who else pet?" He smirks as he looks into your eyes.

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