Ch. 16 Honey Bee

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Ch. 16 Honey Bee

The rest of the day you swear was worse than the first part. You ran yourself ragged trying to keep up with everything, then finally it came to an end. Oh happy day, it ended. You had found Fritz sitting at a table in one of the smaller party rooms, and the both of you were leaning back to back. You both were exhausted from today's events.

"Hey Fritz." You call to him.

"Yeah (yn)?" he answers as he looks back at you.

"My body hurts." You say leaning your head back onto his.

"Mine too... so glad it is over." He said turning to you now.

"I'm going to get sick the next time one of these comes up, you with me?" he says laughing.

"Yes, I'm going to come down with the "FuckthisshitI'mout" flu." You say laughing with him.

"Your funny (yn)." He said looking at you, eyes half closed. He was tired but looked so cute.

"Aaawww!" You squeal at him and pull him into a hug. You nuzzle your cheek on the top of his head as you coo at him.

"What the...?" He asked at your sudden move.

"I couldn't help it, you're just too cute Fritz." You squeal out.

"Hehehe...ok I'm cute." He laughs out and hugs you back. Just then you hear someone enter the room. You both look over to see Toy Freddy as he enters the room and looks at you two.

"Oh hey Freddy what's up?" You ask looking at him but not letting go of Fritz. He looks at you before looking back at Fritz then back to you, and then he walks over to the two of you and pulls you apart. He looks over at Fritz.

"No, bad Fritz.....she's mine." He said pulling you to him.

"Huh?" He said confused.

"Freddy hunny what are you talking about?" You asked looking at him.

"You're mine and I only want to be the one you hug." He said rubbing his nose with yours as he changes to his human form.

"Freddy I've hugged a lot of people. Whatcha going to do when I do decide to get a boyfriend?" You ask looking up at him.

"Huh? That's a silly question." He says nuzzling you.

"How so?" Fritz ask as he watches the two of you.

"Because I'm her boyfriend." He said smiling and cuddling you.

"WHAT?" Both you and Fritz yell out.

"Yeap, I'm her boyfriend. I've decided." He said smiling as he continues nuzzling you.

"You can't just decide to be my boyfriend. Don't I get a say so in all this." You ask him.

"You long as it's yes." He said hugging you tighter.

"Ah Freddy that's.....that's not how it works." Fritz tells him.

"Huh? Fritz are you jealous that you can't have her?" He asked looking at Fritz.

"'s just that.....ah...." Fritz tries to explain to him.

"Freddy hunny, as much as I love you....I'm not looking for anyone right now so..." You say looking at him. Freddy's eyes light up and a huge smile appears on his face.

"You said you love me." Freddy said as he pulls you closer to him.

"Yes I did, but it....." You began but Freddy stops you by pressing his finger to your lips.

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