Ch 35 Ending 2: Mike

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Ch 35 Ending 2: Mike


This has adult situation, malexfemale, and smut. If you are uncomfortable with this types of situation please do not read. MA18. If you are ok with this please come read what dirty things we came up for you. This is part of the ending. I will put (***) at the parts before the things get heated up if you don't want to read that part.

Ending Ch. Mike's Ending~

You turn around and see Scott standing there looking at you.

"Scott?" You ask in disbelief.

"Hey (yn)." He said as he rubbed his arm. You fidget with your fingers as you look up at him trying to think of something to say.

"Listen, I…I want to apologize for how I've been acting towards you. I was….being selfish." He said as he rubs the back of his head now.

"Selfish? You have been avoiding me for weeks. Do you know how bad this has hurt me?" You said looking at him and hugging yourself.

"I know. I'm really sorry (yn). I never meant to hurt you. I know now that avoiding you was not the answer. Please, forgive me. I don't want to lose you. You are one of my closest friends and I just want you to be happy." He said as he reaches out and touches your shoulder.

"Scott, you know that I will always forgive you. You mean a lot to me. I want to see you happy too." You say as you touch his hand.

"I know. This is one of the reasons you are amazing." He said as he smiles at you and pulls his hand back.

"Now I know that a certain someone has been on your mind. You should go talk to them when you get the chance to." He said with a chuckle. Your face lights up red and you look away.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." You say blushing red and crossing your arms.

"Hehehe…I know you do. Anyways we'll get together later (yn). Have fun tonight and just keep being yourself." He said before he turns and disappears into the crowded room. You watch him before sighing out and looking around the room looking for the one person who has been on your mind. After a while you were leaning on the wall just watching everyone having a good time, but the three bimbos were flirting with everyone. You wasn't really paying attention to them until Bridgette began to flirt with Mike. She was giggling at every thing he said and it really pissed you off at how she had her hands all over him. Why did it piss you off? Well for a while you began to develop feelings for this blue eyed man. At first you two hated each other but that one night everything changed between the two of you. Now you were falling for him but you knew you could never be the type of girl he could want. He could have any girl he wants by just giving them his breath taking smile and it looks like Bridgette was going to be that girl. He looks up at you as his cold blue eyes meet your warm (ec) ones. He gives you a small smile. Bridgette notices this and makes him look back at her. She runs her hands up his arms, to his shoulder then wraps her arms around his neck. You feel a lump form in your throat as you watch her giggle out and pull him into a kiss. You feel hot tears threatening to fall as you quickly run off down the hall and into the security room. You sit down and let the tears fall.

"So stupid (yn). Why would he want you?" You tell yourself as you wipe away the tears. You sit there and cry before you get yourself under control and head back to the party. You look around but can't find Mike or Bridgette. You feel the pain come to your chest and throat once more and quickly make your way to your car and drive home. You park and slowly head up the stairs with your head down. As you get to the top you look up to see Mike standing at your door.

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