The conversation between Scott and Freddy

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The conversation between Scott and Freddy that lead up to Freddy kissing you.

"Worried are we?" Freddy asked Scott standing beside him now.

"Of course I am. You guys can kill us whenever you want. She may have made a deal with you guys, but you can break it at any time." He said glaring at Freddy.

"Trust my word, that we will never harm her. She means too much to us, and because she cares for you, we will not harm any of you," Freddy said looking at Scott

"But that's not what I meant by "worried." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Huh? Then what do you mean?" Scott questions him.

"It's clear to me; you have some kind of feelings for (yn). You do whatever you can to make sure she is happy." Freddy said looking back at you now.

"I do that with any employee." Scott protested as he crosses his arms. "You did everything in your power to get her out of working nightshift. You were going to pull a 22 hour shift just for her." Freddy gleamed looking back at Scott. Scott's eyes widened at Freddy's words.

"I...I would....I mean...I just didn't...think she was ready that's all." Scott stutters out, as he looks down at the floor and a slight blush now under his eyes.

"Ok how about the fact you have let her get away with things you wouldn't let the others get away with." Freddy said as he rubbed his chin.

"I gave her a warning." Scott retorted as he fidgeted.

"What about the fact that you let her actually hug you. You never let anyone else do that." Freddy asked now circling Scott as he eyed him.

"She...she was scared and I just...wanted to comfort her." He said as he stiffened and watched Freddy. "Hehehe...Ok I've also heard that she can talk you into anything easily." Freddy said now standing behind Scott.

"She only talked me into a few things, and one of them was because it was storming bad outside." Scott said now as he tugged at his shirt collar and his face gets redder by the minute. Freddy places his hands on his shoulders and leans down to his ear. "I've heard you myself sighing out after her, or how your face gets flustered after she touches you." Freddy chuckled out as his blue eyes cut to Scott now. Scott took in a sharp breath as he tries to calm himself.

"It''s just...I'm not...use to anybody getting close to me. She....she's young and alone and I just want to help her out. That's all." Scott said as he closes his eyes and crosses his arms as he huffs out.

"Well then I must have been mistaking. Then you should not mind if I do this then." Freddy said walking over to you.

"(yn), my dear." Freddy called in a calming tone. "Yes?" you asked turning to him.

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