Chapter 8

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Four ships were to sail on that morn.
Yet only half held interest to the ladies that stood out as dignified to the mass of people.
One had a Russian name on it, those who knew and understood the language,knew it to be the grand princess' personal ship.A gift her brother the prince had gifted her on her débutante.
The other was a commercial ship that set its sails to Spain.
Tge loud giggles that filled the air made her head turn in Ara's directions.
She was running as quick as her baby steps could carry her.
A dark haired boy in a heavy fur coat was hot on her heels trying to catch her.They had picked Damien up from London and Marsha had been so happy to reunite with her child.
The two children who had been friends from the cradle with Damien being 1 year older, had quickly gotten past their reservations for each other and picked up where they had left.
For Nalia it was just good to see her child being a child and happy.
Mrs.Stockmann was already on board arranging for the beds of her stuff that had not gone to Russia.
Nalia smiled fondly,her mind already seeing the winter ball,snow falling,loud and cheerful music,sliding and playing with the snow,the smell of food in the air.
She sighed with such longing lost in her mind that when Nicola spoke to her, she started.
"We shall be there for the winter ball dear.It is just yet summer."
Nalia smiled at the thought,reached down to grab a running Ara,hauled her giggling self into her arms,and boarded the ship.

Meanwhile in Havcrove Manor:
Lord Hahn walked into his wifes room and found it empty.
She must be out riding with Arabella and her ladies by now.
It surprised him to think it for it struck him that in the 4 months of their acquaintance he had known her routine.
A smile filled his face and he headed to his study with it still filling his face.
He was a happy man although Elise had not turned up for their rendezvous last night he felt at ease.
The sun was bright and his heart warmed at the thought of seeing his wife.
True he had been unkind to her yesterday,the image of her haunted eyes throughout the ball had tormented his night.She had slipped away before tue ball ended probably on a melancholic note.
He wanted to clear the air between them.He felt uneasy whenever they were at opposite sides.

As he opened the door to his study, he found his friend pacing the length of the carpet in a gesture so unlike him it gave him pause.
"West lad,if you keep at it you will pace a hole into my carpet then I shall be forced to call you out."
The earl looked at hahn blankly and his face looked weary.He clearly had not shaved and his cravat was askew.The forbidding fear that had gripped Hahn yesterday at the picnic came back in full and he found himself struggling to breath.
"What is it?what has occured?"
West ran his hands through his head,a gesture that had Hahn panic all the more.Some instinct warned him that the sun would be a mockery on his day.

I was here to enquire whether Merith slept here last night.You see she did just last night and I believe she may yet be here."
Hahn felt his breath leave his lungs and realised he had held his breath.
"I am yet to see her but be still.I have yet to see my wife too.They must be together riding in the fields."
At his words, Hahn saw Westcliff take a breath and looked visibly relaxed.
"Relax man.I never would have believed you to be so worried about your wife."he teased.
Westcliff shot him his cold gaze and Hahn laughed."I am immune to that my friend.You can tuck it away."
He smiled for the first time since he awoke last night. "If you must know I received a letter from Merith,it was not pleasant and sounded rather final."
"A letter?"
"Yes,it appears she overheard our conversation last eve before the ball."
An image of Nalia's sad eyes filled Hahn's mind and fear gripped his heart.
He found himself pulling the bell cords like a dimented man before he even considered what he was doing.
The fear that had set on West's heart renewed its efforts and attacked him a new.
Something was definitely a miss.

The Butler came rushing into the study worried that a disaster had occured.
"Yes,your grace ?"
"Humbert,can you tell my wife I want to see her."
Humbert's face paled and Hahn's fear doubled.
"What is it man,hurry up."
Again Humbert stayed rooted to his spot.
"Well,your grace,the thing is...truth is that I can not do so."
"Why the bloody hell not?"
Despite his frustration and growing panic, Hahn saw the man who had been butler since his father's birth raise a scowling eyebrow and felt uncomfortable. Were it not for his fear he would have apologised as he did when he was neigh ten years of age.
"Actually your grace,her grace said to give this to you if you asked for her whereabouts, "he reached slowly into his pocket and retrieved a letter.
"A letter?" His heart was fluttering like a caged birds.
He shot West a look and the two of them exchanged their vulnerabilities. "Thank you Humbert."
The butler gave a stiff bow and retreated as quickly as he could.
As soon as the door was closed behind him, Hahn took the letter opened that West handed to him and tore the letter open.

Your grace,
It is with such a low heart that I write to you now.
Being as I am Russian I do not know your ways of never getting to the point and so I shall spare us both the time.
From the koment I came here,you took all the opportunities given to insult and belittle me.You made it clear you did not wish to marry me though you did,reasons of which only you know.I know you had your own reasons as I had mine-to protect my daughter above all.
Today your mistress struck my child , you may not know this but I have never raised a hand to Arabella in all her life.
I once told you that if you did not accept my child fully and love her and care for her I would not marry you.
Today you stood by,drinking your wine calmly as though no wrong was broke your word.
There is no need for me to force the bastard child of your beloved to you anymore.

I have tolerated enough, your grace,enough.
I believe this is best.
I have written to my brother as well,least to say,he will be expecting you,in his ways to protect me,you are evenly matched in cruelty.

And I shall support him.
Goodbye,by the time you read this we shall have set sails .

Yours lovingly,

Hahn found his form on the floor.
His heart ached in a strange painful way.He could not see the words anymore.
Westcliff sat next to him.He felt alone.
Raising his head he looked at his friend and said,"She loved me,"his finger caressed her signature ,the memory of their wedding night tugging at his heart."she has left.She has left me West and I have never felt so alone."

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