Chapter 13

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A loud cheer filled the air and the servants were seen huddling by the stairs with smiles on their faces.
More laughter filled the air and an elderly looking man let out the laugh he had been holding as the five girls ran up the small flight of stairs to him, four of them giving him kisses as they went by and another awkwardly wondering what to do until he bent down to give her a fond kiss.
"Welcome my lady. I am Dimitriv. Her highness' butler."he said holding her hand in his as,her friends ran into the house and did the usual routine.
Merith smiled warmly as she saw the fondness in the Butler's eyes which were watching her new friends running around the house opening the doors to each room and coming out on the other side.
Merith had been surprised as their carriage rode up the winding road to the Winter Castle the ladies had virtually been  jumping on their seats. Even before a footman came foward, Marsha had already opened the door and first let out the children who went running and  screaming into the house. What was most shocking was the way the ladies jumped down running and laughing across the wide well mowed lawns covered fully in light white snow.
She now took a moment to enjoy the scenery which was very grand. The castle was huge and wide and the white pillars were curved in a stylish manner that gave credit to the architecture.
Noticing her interest, Dimitriv smiled down at her, "You should come to the other side near the cliff. The view is most breathtaking. "

"Is it not that Nalia will look for me? "

He smiled again and said, "No my lady. It has been their habit -since they learnt how to walk -to get here at the Winter palace, then they would run in all rooms as you see now until finally they go climb up the hill and slide down in the snow. I want to show you the most majestic part of the palace then take you up the hill to wait for them. Is that well my lady? "

Merith smiled again, noting how comfortable she felt already with the old man. It was no wonder that her friends had all but sang the praises of the Winter palace on the 2month's journey from Spain to Russia.
Upon their arrival Merith had noticed how from the port the citizens were in love with their princess as they chanted hails to her Highness and bowed low and Nalia along with Ara had walked about a miles strip shaking hands with the people and handing them gold with genuine smiles on their faces.

No one fought for it, no one shoved the other. They accepted their portions calmly and Nicola had explained that Nalia always ensured they all got some coins and that when they arrived in Havencrust the admiration only grew .

"Here it is,"the thickly accented voice took her attention away from her thoughts to the beautiful cliff side view of a frozen lake.
"It is indeed beautiful, "she said thinking that it was most ethereal and unreal.
Dimitriv smiled proudly.
"It is. Although I believe you will love the inside more. The architecture is extremely majestic and the grand Duchess Nicholaeva wrote that you had love of such things. "

"Thank you. I indeed do, very much so. "

They walked the rest of the way in companiable silent as Merith feasted her eyes in the snow baked trees and leaves.Not a green thing in sight everything was white in snow but very sightly.

At the top of the hill,she found her friends waiting who quickly dashed to give her a hug and apologized for forgetting her.

They then all held hands and Merith noted how well Nalia carried her pregnancy for it was not easy to be seen even though she was 6 months into it.

They held hands and slid down in the snow squealing and laughing just as the snow started to trickle down.

They later abandoned their slides to hit each other with snow balls until they heard a
"ladies,be kind enough to put me out of my misery of fearing for my sister's health and go into the palace now."
Richard said looking as harassed as he sounded.

They all laughed and rushed over to him to give him kisses and Merith tried standing at a distance until all 5 pairs of eyes were fixed on her with impatient looks and Richard quirked a smile,that she stepped slowly into his outstretched arms.
The sweet kiss he had bestowed on her friends' foreheads was equally bestowed on her and he whispered to her ,  "you are part of my family now,do not even let a thought make you believe otherwise."

The words were so sincere and passionate that she rose on her toes to give him a quick kiss on the cheeks and nodded repeatedly.
She understood suddenly what it was that her friend had been missing in England.
The whole warmth of the Russians and open affection even in the freezing weather.Her friends were loving and kind and frank.

Hi guys so this chapter is short but i shall either prolong it or move on.
Wanted you all to have a piece of my girl's Russia and the simple love they all have.

Things change up at the Winter ball as the men arrive and oh oh oh...
We meet Nalia's parents.
Whose excited?...
I was admitted for some and thats why writing was difficult and all the more uploading.
Love you guys.
Its night time now in Kenya.



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