10. There's hope

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Draven's POV

George and I are chained up by our neck. We have been brutally tortured. I could feel the whipping marks, that sent stings to my nerves, blood drips from my face. I held my tears in so I don't show my fear to Logan.

I turned to look at George his lip is badly cut, his breathing is wheezy. They had beat George really bad because he left without giving notice. I don't know where my family is. I really miss Siar I hope he's okay. I can feel his present nearby, there's hope.

I couldn't stand, my legs were beaten with a metal bat. I tried to grab George's hand, he was too far from me.

I whispered to George

"We are going to get out of here"

"I'm sorry I came"

"No it's fine," I awed

He started crying, he's been strange since we've been here. He won't tell me why he's up set. George started to get cold, I sat in the corner with my legs in my chest shivering. Both George and I are stripped only in our brief's. I wonder if my father knows about this. Why is this happening! I could see the sun is setting outside the bar window. There are so many trees around, only a glimps of sun ray will shine through, this place smells really bad.

I heard keys shuffling at the door, Logan walks in with a metal whip. 

"Get up," Logan snarled

I struggled to stand, George was asleep, I tried to hiss at him but he didn't reply. Logan whiped George awake.

"Don't you dare," I growled, staring at him furious.

Logan whipped me across my chest, I ached in pain strip cuts appeared as blood dripped.

I crouched in pain, biting my teeth together.

"You two get these idiots in the van, make sure you are not followed," Logan growled

The two men who came in are both in balaclava's, I couldn't pick up their identity. The taller one unlocked me and pulled me and hand calved my hands  with silver bracing.

The other man took hold of George. 

"We're ready sir," The man holding me spoke.

"Take them to the van, I've given you the instructions make sure you aren't followed," Logan warned

"Fuck you Logan karma's a bitch its going to bite you hard in the ass," I spat

Logan whacked me across the face.

I laughed, "That doesn't faze me, it takes more than that asshole"

"Get them out! Your death sentence has been pushed for tomorrow," Logan chuckled

We walked pass other cells that held people crying and begging for release. We are in the Teodora prison. Kids were begging to be release even mothers, all these innocent people locked up for what reasons.

We had reach the exit where the van awaited for us. The two guards kicked us in the back.

One other guard had turned up to the van, all three guards nodded at each other, The tallest guard that escorted me jumped at the back with George and I. I sat with my legs crouched to my chest, shivering in pain. The driver had driven fast out of the prison premises.

The guard, guarding George and I stared at me, he got up and wrapped his arms around me.

"It's okay you're safe," The man said

He took his Balaclava off.

My eyes widen in tears, I hugged him sobbing in his arms.

"Dad I'm sorry," I wrapped my arms around him

"Hey mate, give this to George and yourself," Morgan smiled

I caught the pouch she passed to me, I opened the pouch there are two little red bottles in there. I took one  out and helped George drink it. He was really weak. I took mine and waited for something to happen.

"How did you know! I am very thankful! Thank you...wait where's Siar," I asked

"Thank you to your friends, we made it out before the rage," My father said

"Dad you have a lot of explaining to do,"  I said giving him another hug.

"Siar is with Marina and your silbings they're on their way to the Alvaro's," Mel spoke

"We need to get out of here as soon as possible, because if Logan finds out we are imposters who know's what he will do," Morgan said

"Take a turn here," My dad instructed.

I felt much better, I could see that I was healing faster than normal wolf heals.

George was too, he could sit up.

"George are you okay," I asked

"Yeah man," He said weak

We had just left Teodora prison territory. The place has changed, not in a good way. It's not as lively as before, it use to be the best place to be. The scenery, was outrageous, we are surrounded by mountains and a beautiful lake which The Fluro river streams to. Gardens that are maintained everyday, had weed growing over the flowers and shrubs that once grew. Everything is lifeless, even the Italian villas are lifeless and the streets, that I remembered their would always be people walking around and music playing. Teodora is now run down, half of it is my fault, because I had left Teodora and it loses life. The land of Teodora lives on my families life, we are tied to the land and we give it spirit to bloom.

"Logan has lost it," George spoke

"I should have known he's a threat, he knew," Dad coed

"Dad you tried your best, no one can't blame you for your loyalty," I said

"It's my fault I should have listen to my father, when he told me imposters will find Teodora and will take over...I thought I could make a change welcoming anyone," Dad spoke

"Don't feel guilty, we can make it change...Logan may trouped our people...Dad look on the bright side, you have us...After all I am marrying into the "Royal" family...It's fate, this was meant to happen," I smiled

Siar and I are meant to happen. We are the key to a new era, a new life to show the world nothing is impossible. Being around my father and brother I felt more stronger and happier.

"Chuck these clothes on please...anyways nice tool," Mel winked

I quickly put on pants and a t-shirt.

"Someone is following us," My dad warned.

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