Chapter 6 - The Walk

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Anti's P.O.V

I sighed.

"What do you want Dark?" I said in a tone of slight fear.

Dark started to come closer, but Sean growled. Literally...

"What did Ye do t'em? Did Ye make fun of him?" Sean was holding me protectively.

Dark stepped back. Probably shocked at his sudden hostility. Mark walked in front of Dark, glaring at him.

"Really Dark? I thought you said you WOULDN'T be a complete ass."

"I.." He looked at me. I had to intervene.

"Wait! Dark didn't do anything wrong. I was just thinking about how weird my eyes are..." I trailed off.

Jack looked at me. I faced towards him, and started flip, and then swayed them back and forth. He sighed, giggling slightly.

"Anti. Ye know nothing is wrong with you. You're perfect the way Ye are." He poked my nose.

I nodded, and pushed Jack away gently.

"Okay. Now I am going to eat this apple, and go on a walk. Stop cuddling me." I smiled, causing Sean to chuckle.

"Okay. Don't get hurt." I nodded, but before I could leave the kitchen, Dark spoke up.

"Can I go with you?" I glanced at him, nodding.

He followed me to door. We left, and I took a bite of my apple as I strolled through the woods. I heard him mumble, and I looked at him. He was having trouble keeping up. I was about stop, when he went into the shade. He instantly vanished.

"Dark..?" I asked, looking around.

I backed up a little, and felted something warm. I turned around, and nearly screamed. Dark stood there, his hand covering my mouth.

"Woah. Calm down. Sorry. I just shadow traveled. It's one of the reasons I'm named 'Dark'."

I nodded. If Dark is as spontaneous as I'm beginning to think... I'm going to have a lot to get used to.

Finally update this on the right day. >:D Take that school!

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Side Note:


187 Reads?!

Lies! I say! LIES!!!!! XD

Thank you guys so much. I love you all SO much :D I'm opening a contest, which I'll probably explain tomorrow. G'Night loves!

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