Chapter 29 - Late Night Texting

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Anti's P.O.V

As I laid on my bed, I thought about my day. I could hear the others talking, but I couldn't make it out since it was to quiet and muffled from my room. It was a few minutes before my thoughts were interrupted. My phone buzzed, causing me to reach over and check it.

One new message from "BFF <3". I instantly opened it up, a smile placing itself on my face. I knew Ledson was planning to text, but I didn't know what time.

BFF <3 -
Hey Anti. How are you doing?

Anti - 
Hey Ledy. I'm doing good. Wbu?

BFF <3 - 
I'm doing okay. I'm glad I saw you today, I had fun seeing you again after all these years.

Anti - 
True! How many years has it been? I can't remember.

BFF <3 - 
About 2 or 3 I think. Definitely to long.

Anti - 
You're right.

We continued texting for hours. We caught up quite a bit, and started talking about our interests, hobbies, and all sort of things. The whole time, I couldn't stop smiling. He has been my best friend for so long, and it felt amazing to reconnect with him. It was about 1 AM by the time that I started to feel tired. I told him I was about to head to bed, and he wished me well. I set my phone down, and laid there. 

I was physically tired, but my mind was still racing. I didn't feel like going on a walk, so I got up, and made my way down stairs. I decided to see if we had anything to eat. Opening the fridge, I saw a plate covered with tinfoil, with my name on it. A smile laced itself back onto my face, and I grabbed it and heated it up.

"You're up late. I thought you went to bed." I jumped at the sound of someone's voice. I glanced back, and saw Mark standing by the counter grabbing a glass.

"I did, I got hungry." I said, it wasn't completely true, but it wasn't much of a stretch. "Why are you up?"

"I got thirsty." He said, holding is glass now full of water up before taking a sip. I simply nodded, and grabbed my plate, but before I could leave, Mark caught my attention. "Want some company? We could chat a little if you'd like. I had a question, but it can wait until the morning if you want to go back upstairs."

I don't know why, but it seemed more as an invitation to leave than to stay, but I simply sat at the table. Something seemed off. The whole house was quiet, but it was nearing 1:30 AM now, so it wasn't anything unheard of. Mark made his way to the seat to my right, turning a bit to face me. He watched his glass for a moment, before speaking up when I took my first bite. 

"Jack put that in the fridge for you. I thought it was really sweet." He glanced at me, and I smiled at the thought. "Does he do it often?"

"Sometimes. We usually eat together, but when I'm having a bad day, or if I stay up late, he'll plate it. I do it for him when I cook too." This earned my a curious look from Mark, but I gave him a knowing look. "I know that this isn't what you wanted to talk about. What was your question?" I mused.

He took another sip before sighing. He looked like he didn't want to ask whatever question he had, so I began to worry. We sat in silence for a minute before he actually answered me. 

"What's your relationship with Felix? I know you've known him for years, but what's between you two?" I felt my blood run cold as he finished, his gaze locked on me the whole time. I finally broke our eye contact as I picked my food.

"It's complicated..." He didn't seem satisfied with that response, and I knew he was silently asking me to continue, so I did. "We've never gotten along, though I wish we did. If it weren't for my sake, it'd be for Sean and Ledson's. I don't understand it myself, but..." I stopped myself from continuing. I simply took another bite as his gaze burned into me.

"Has he ever... hit you Anti?" I felt myself freeze mid chew, and I wouldn't meet his now worried gaze. "If he has, you can tell me! I won't tell him you told m-"

"It's not like that Mark. It's complicated. Like I said, even I don't understand fully. Could we change the subject..?" I asked quietly, I didn't want to talk about it. I felt horrible just thinking about him. He scared me, but I'd never tell anyone why. I'd tell no one.

He watched me for a moment before nodding, taking a sip. "What's between you and Ledson?" I gave him a curious look, and was about to tell him we were just friends, but he continued. "What I mean is, what happened between you two? The whole time Dark and I have been here, I haven't heard you talk about Ledson once."

I took a moment before answering. The reason seared in my mind, and brought back old memories a kept buried deep inside my heart. "We... drifted apart. He got busy with school, and we eventually stopped seeing each other when Jack and I had to move to a different house." I left it as that, but it wasn't completely the truth. Mark seemed to believe it however, and finished his water as I finished my food. He stood up, and grabbed my plate. He set it in the sink.

"Well good night. I'll see ya tomorrow Anti." Mark said as we went upstairs, and parted ways. 

All in all, I will probably always remember this day.


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