Chapter 30 - Cuddles

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Anti's P.O.V

The morning light woke me from my slumber, filling my room. I groggily opened my eyes, and took a moment to wake up a bit before I sat up. I could hear the others talking down stairs, but I didn't pay any mind to it. I got up, taking a much needed shower, and got half dressed. Only putting on pants, and an open jacket. I made my way downstairs, following the voices.

Standing in the doorway, I was surprised to find the others hanging out with Felix and Ledson. They were just chatting, except Ledson. He seemed to look excluded, like he was waiting on something. It was Felix who noticed me me first, and I saw a familiar flicker in his expression.

"Hey Anti." Felix said simply, and that made everyone's head turn towards me much to my discomfort.

"Hi. What's going on here?" I slowly entered the room, and was instantly hugged by Ledson, who I didn't even see get up. Sean stood as well, though it probably because he didn't want Ledson or Dark near me, but I gave him a smile.

"We just came by to hang out for a bit. Ledson went up to your room earlier, but you were still asleep." Mark replied, and I nodded. Sean still walked over, and ruffled my still damp hair. He pulled his hand away and casually wiped it against my sleeve.

"He's been waiting for you to get up." He said in his usual cheerful tone.

"Well I'm up now, so do you wanna go hang out in my room?" I asked Ledson, and he immediately nodded, grabbing my hand, and we said our farewells to the others. We made our way back up to my room, and Ledson looked a lot more happy. He looked a lot more comfortable. Honestly, it made me think of the old times as we started to catch up again.

It didn't feel like it, but an hour had passed. Our banter was interrupted by a knock. I called over and told whoever it was to come in. Mark peeked in, and gave us a warm smile. He gave an apologetic smile before saying "Hey Ledson, Felix said it's time to leave."

Ledson frowned, but replied with a simple nod. He gave me a tight hug, in which he kissed my temple, before getting up and quickly leaving. I was really confused, and Mark seemed to be as well. Questions spun through my head like a hurricane.

'Did Ledson mean to do that?'

'Was that just a friendly display of affection?'

'What will Dark do...?'

Panic began to swarm me like a wave crashing over me, but Mark quickly came over. He comforted me, and took me down stairs. Sean was at the door waving the others off. When he closed the door, his eyes shifted towards me. He walked over, took me to the living room, shoved me onto the couch and just plopped beside me. Mark gave him the most confused look, but I just laughed.

"Exhausted?" I simply asked Sean as he used me as a pillow.

"I didn't sleep worth shit last night. I already know you don't mind this so I'm taking a nap." He remarked and I laughed, he smiled up at me as I shifted into a more comfortable position.

"Does he do this a lot?" I heard Mark say in clear amusement.

Before I could answer, Sean piped up "Yep. Maybe if your brother and you had a better relationship, you wouldn't be standing there jealous!" He said with the most sassy tone I've heard him have this whole visit.

Mark laughed and wandered off, leaving me being Sean's pillow. I glanced down, and he didn't have his eyes closed.

"You wanted alone time with me, didn't you?" He sighed, and just sort of nodded. "Are you jealous that I'm becoming popular with your friends?" I said jokingly.

"No, I'm just thinking about some stuff. Plus, I haven't had much alone time with you. I missed making you my pillow." He smiled contently as he nuzzled into my chest.

"Oh. Okay I get it. I missed you spontaneously plopping onto me. Whether it's after a stressful game you're playing through, or you just wanting to relax."

He looked at me with a playful glare. "Don't act like you don't enjoy it too. You've done it too when you've had nightmares or knew I was upset."

I simply nodded, agreeing his point. It's true that I'd cuddle him every so often.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked as I leaned my head back.

"Well... would you ever lie to me Anti?" This caught me off guard.

I gave him a confused look, before answering. "Of course not? Why would I lie to my big brother?" That earned a half hearted chuckle.

"So, I can trust you to not hide stuff if it's bothering you?" I paused as I let that sink in, but he continued. "And don't say you don't wanna bother me to much or I swear I'll tickle you to death. You'd never be able to bother me."

I simply smiled and hugged Sean tighter. "I haven't always went to you with my problems, but I promise I'll always be honest with you. Now stop worrying you potato." I said and ruffled his hair.

We kept talking and hanging out for a bit. By 11:00 AM, we ended up heading into the kitchen and started making lunch for the others. I was starving, so I kept sneaking a bit of the chips we had out.

While we were making lunch, Sean perked up. I could practically see his brain at work.

"What if we had a picnic? Like when were kids! We can go to our old spot, and we can bring food and hot chocolate and bring stuff to do-"

"Sean calm down. I get what you mean. I'd love to. Though are we going to invite Mark and Dark? If so we need to make extra sandwiches so everyone can have two sandwiches if someone get extra hungry."

"Well of course. We can't just leave our guests here by themselves all day." I smiled and we started making extra sandwiches and I looked for our picnic basket and cooler.

I'm really excited for this.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2020 ⏰

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