Chapter 9 - Consequences

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Dark's P.O.V

I looked down at Anti, who was passed out. He kept twitching and whimpering. It honestly looked pitiful. Maybe that WAS a bad idea. I sighed and leaned down, and shook him awake.

"Anti. Dude wake up. We have to go home."

He started to mumble and finally opened those stunning ey- Wait. What did I just think his eyes were? Stunning...? Well then. That's new.

He gasped looked around, screaming and holding onto me.

"What the? Why are you holding me? There is nothing around." I said calmly, but I truly knew what was happening.

You see, when I force myself into someone's mind, they develop something I like to call "Terror Sight". They both see and hear things from their fears. Usually I'm able to be the only one that they can see and hear normally. Meaning I'm sort of a translator.

"Don't you see it?! It everywhere!" He gasped and flinched, as if about to get hit.

"We gotta get you home. You need rest."

He looked confused, yet nodded anyways. I grabbed his arm and shadow traveled us home. Anti started to squirm, shivering.

I'm going to hate the consequences to this...

Hey! Sorry I've been busy. I had to babysit, plus some other personal drama went down. Anyways, I'll update both Friday and Saturday. :D Yay! See ya loves! Bye.

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