A Helping Hand

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Tobin's Pov. 

I woke up to the sound of a crash. I rushed to the kitchen, and saw Kelley dealing over, picking up a broken cup. 

(Tobin's apartment) 

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(Tobin's apartment

"Hey easy there tiger, how you feeling?"

"F-fine, I-ugh, I was just grabbing  glass of water until it slipped out," I could tell she was having a hard time. 

"Listen to me Kelley, I think your starting to get the side effects. You must do as I tell you. I can help you." I soothed. 

"I want you to help me Tobin, just make the pain stop."

I ran and quickly made a cup of coffee. "Coffee helps you. It's your friend." 

She drank it, and lifted her head in satisfaction. "Is this the worst feeling you could be in?"

"Not really, you start to feel a cringe in your stomach and it would start to go to your head. That means that you need blood. I can get more, but it would be hard." 

"You should go, it would be the best for all of us."

"I can't just leave you like this, here I'll give you to a friend. I thinks she could help."

We got into my motorcycle and drove out of the city. 25 minutes later we arrived at a cabin-like house. 

We got out, and I knocked on the door

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We got out, and I knocked on the door. The door opened and I saw a face that I missed. 

"Abby, it's so great to see you!" I said as I gave her a hug. 

"Tobin, Kelley, what are you guys doing here?" she said as she gave us a hug. 

I looked down immediately. "Kelley turned. I bit her because I was about to loose it at soccer practice."

And that was all I said. Abby ushered us in and closed the door. She opened up several cabinets, and pulled out a syringe, a needle, a small tube, and a bag of blue liquid. "This will help slow down your pain. It should be enough so that Tobin can do what ever she needs to do," said Abby while putting the needle in Kelley's arm. 

"Abby, who are you?" questioned Kelley.

"I'm a vampire hunter, well, was until I found out that one of my team mates was a vampire. I couldn't kill her, and so I realized that I would stop killing vampires. Instead I help some vampires instead of kill."

I left, leaving Kelley in Abby's hands. I drove as fast as I could back to the city. I knew where there would be a stash of blood. I drove behind a white building, and slipped inside. I quickly ran to a room with my vampire speed. I knew where everything was. This hasn't been my first time doing this. I didn't like doing it, but if I had to I would. I saw a locker room and saw the uniform that would blend me in. I walked out looking like a nurse. I quickly turned a left, and opened a door that lead me to the stash of building. As I walked, I saw some patients's blood in a bag. Good for them to donate. 

I kept on walking, and saw several refrigerators. I quickly ran to one, and opened it to see the most beautiful thing. I grabbed several bags of blood and closed the refrigerator, and took of. I changed, and rushed out of there. I looked at my watch. 8.2 seconds. I was timing how fast I could do all of that. 

I put the bags safely in my secret compartment, and started to drive off. Before I pulled out, I almost hit a person. 

"Watch it!" screamed a girl.

"I am so sorry, its my fault-" I said until I recognized the face. 



"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"What does it look like?" she said pointing to the red cross.

"Oh, of course," I blushed in embarrassment.

"What are you doing here, why did you come out from the back?" 

"Oh, uh, I went around because there a car in my way, so I had to take the long way." Really Tobin? That's all you could think of?

"Oh okay, are you okay from last time?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just probably the sun." 

She seemed to buy it, at least for now. 

"Look Christen it was nice to see you, but I have an emergency now."

She looked kind of sad. I did to, I would have talked to her more, but I had someone to help. 

"I'll see you at school then," I gave a wave and started my motorcycle. 

I didn't turn around, but I could hear her heart beat was rapid. I knew that I would have to do something for her for looking and sounding so mysterious. I just had to keep on going. 

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