Together Forever

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Christen's Pov. 

I looked at myself in the mirror. I was sitting in a comfy seat, and in front of me was a make-up desk. I wore my white dress. It had straps and went down my my feet. Ali, Julie, and Kelley went with me to pick out the perfect dress, and fell in love with it. Tobin and I decided the wedding to be at our first date. Romantic huh? 

Julie was curling my hair, while Ali and Kelley helped each other with their dresses

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Julie was curling my hair, while Ali and Kelley helped each other with their dresses. 

"I can hear your heart beating," said Kelley. 

"I can't help it," I squealed. 

"Just take deep breath, and you'll be fine." 

I did as I was told and looked at Julie. 

"You okay?" I asked. 

"I'm fine, I'm just so happy that my best friend is getting married," she smiled. 

"I'm glad that you could be here." 

"Of course, I won't miss this day for the world." 

The double doors swung open, and in walked Sydney, Lauren, and Sydney. 

"Hey guys, thanks for making it." 

"No problem, just caught in traffic," huffed Sydney, as she dropped her purse, and grabbed her dress. All six of the girls were my brides maids. 

"You look amazing," said Amy, taking a picture.

"No picture yet!" I screamed, covering my face. 

"Too late!" she said victoriously. 

I sighed, "Done," said Julie, setting the curler down. 

"Thank you."

 Everyone was moving around, Sydney was frantically putting on make-up. Kelley and Ali had to help Amy and Lauren get into their dresses. 

Julie then put my comb in my hair. It sparkled, "The icing on top," she said stepping back, and looking at me.

Everyone finally was done, and we just had to wait for a little bit until we had to walk out. 

"I wonder how the others are doing," said Amy. 

Tobin's Pov. 

"Shit shit shit shit..." I said, pacing back and forth. 

"Can you please stop, your giving me a headache," complained Ashlyn, grabbing her head. 

"Sorry, but today is kind of a big deal." 

"Yeah yeah yeah, just don't work yourself up," waved Ashlyn. 

"You'll do fine, just be you all will go fine," advised Abby. 

Abby, Ashlyn, Hope, and Pinoe were my best girls. All wore matching suits. I wore a white suit. 

As I was putting on my watch, Hope put a flower in my jacket of the suit, "Perfect," she said

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As I was putting on my watch, Hope put a flower in my jacket of the suit, "Perfect," she said. 

"You think I look good?" 

"You look like you can take down the house!" yelled Pinoe. 

I chuckled. I looked at the time, and saw that we had to go. We filled out, with me in front. We walked out of the building, and headed towards the beach. We followed the boardwalk, until we saw the stairs. I saw chairs lined up, facing towards the water. 

As I walked down, I saw the whole soccer team there and Christen's family. I didn't really have a family except for Perri, Jerri, and Katie. I walked the aisle, and stood next to Ali's brother Kyle, who was going to marry christen and me. 

"Lucky day huh?" he whispered. 

"For sure," I replied, "Thanks for doing this."

"No problem, anything for my favorite soccer team." 

We waited for Christen and the others. Any minute now. 

Christen's pov. 

It was time. We walked out, and Lauren and Amy carried my veil. Julie, Kelley followed, with their own flowers. Ali was the ring holder, but we didn't make her the flower girl. Amy and Lauren's children did that role. We walked out, and onto the boardwalk. We reached the stairs, and I stopped. I took a deep breath, and looked behind me. Everyone gave a thumbs-up. 

I walked down ,and the pianist started to play. Everyone stood up. I looked down the aisle, and saw Tobin wearing her suit. I didn't know exactly what Tobin was wearing, but what she was wearing was I thought mouth dropping. Ashlyn, Hope, Pinoe, and Abby were behind Tobin. 

Tobin's mouth dropped as soon as she saw me. Her eyes moved up and down, checking me out. I blushed. I walked down the aisle, and stood in front of Tobin, and next to Kyle. 

Once everyone sat down and got into their places, the wedding started. Kyle started, and when we said our vows, a couple of times chocked because I was about to start to cry. I held them in. Ali then came up, holding our rings. I grabbed Tobin's left hand, and put the ring on her third finger. She did the same for me, and  we held hands. 

"I pronounce you wife and wife, you may kiss each other," ended Kyle. 

Tobin immediately grabbed my waist and wrapped her arms around me. I wrapped my arms around her neck, and when our lips collided, it was like fireworks were set off. 

When we broke, we started to laugh. I hugged her, and she gave me a piggy back ride down the aisle. Everyone was off their seats, cheering and clapping. People threw streamers at us. 

One Hour later 

Tobin's Pov. 

Christen and I changed into our dinner clothes, and walked out to greet our guests. 

Everyone grabbed food, and sat down around the big dinning room. It was set up so that the buffet was along the side of wall, and around the room  were round tables, and in front was a dancing floor. Their was a long table, that was facing towards the other tables. That's where we would be sitting. We sat down and laughed. 

We then went into stories, and there was so many of us about how we looked stupid or how we tried to impress one another. Christen laced her hands around mine. We moved onto the cake, and when the Chef brought it out, it was a big white marble cake, and did it look louth watering.

Christen and I walked towards it,  and I gave her the honors to cut it first. She took a small piece of it, and gave a gesture for me to open my mouth. I did the same for her, and we ushered everyone to eat as well. The cake was delicious. I thanked the Chef many times. After a while, the dj turned on the music, and everyone started to dance. We slowed danced and danced to the beat. 

Pictures were constant, but I didn't care. After a while, people started to leave. Christen and I decided to walk to the beach. 

We sat down, with Christen sitting in between my legs, resting half of her body against me. Her head resting on my chest. I used my arms for support. We watched as the sun was setting. The crashing of the water was peaceful. 

"I like how we set it up," whispered Christen.

"Set up what?" 

"Our names, Mrs. Tobin Heath-Press and Mrs. Christen Heath-Press. I like how we combined our last names together." 

"I do too, it suits us." 

We listened to the silence, and looked at our surroundings.

"I will always love you Tobin, you are like my rock," said Christen. 

"And you are mine, I couldn't imagine if you were not in my life." 

I kissed her. Our lips pressed against each other was the best thing ever. I knew from that moment that I will always love Christen until the day I die. 

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